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Interesting stops between Angers + Chenonceau?

Hi all!

My family and I (includes 3 teen girls, 12-16) will be driving from Angers to Chenonceau to visit in late June. We intend to arrive at the chateau mid-late afternoon, so we'd like to pick somewhere along the way to visit and have a picnic lunch. Where would you suggest? Assuming we drive D952, we'll pass the other chateaux of Ussé, Azay-le-Rideau and Villandry--all could be interesting, but we probably wouldn't plan to tour any of them, so we'd just sight-see from the outside an walk around their towns. Would you still choose one of these--if so, which one? Would we be terribly wrong to miss going inside one of these? I'm trying to keep in mind what would interest the girls moreso than my husband and me. Otherwise, what town/villages could be interesting? Saumur is not on the list because we will be visiting there another day, we'll also pass the "plus beaux villages" of Montsoreau + Candes-St.-Martin and could stop. We are open to taking another driving route, but D952 seems most scenic--though we will probably take another route for the return. I'm hoping to give the girls glimpses of France's many sides, so am especially open to stops that would show them something markedly different than Chenonceau.

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12313 posts

Fontevraud Abbey and the Citadel in Chinon come to mind. Fontevraud has the remains of Eleanor of Aquitaine and Richard the Lion-Heart in the church. Chinon is completely different that other Chateaux. It's older and retains it's military look. It's where Joan of Arc came to find the Dauphin. Villandry is worth a stop for the gardens. I was there in September of 2016 and skipped Azay because it was covered in scaffolding.

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2916 posts

A few years ago my wife and I drove through that area, and made brief stops in Candes-St.-Martin and the chateaux of Azay-le-Rideau, Usse, and Langeais. Here's the link to my travel blog entry that covers that part of our trip.

I think the only chateau we went into was Azay-le-Rideau, and I wasn't overly thrilled with it. Then again, I'm not a big fan of going into chateaux. Usse is worth viewing, as is Azay. The town of Langeais has more than just the chateau, and would be worth stopping at. Cande-St.-Martin is also worth a stop.

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3122 posts

Azay-le-Rideau is a little village, very charming on its own, and has a variety of restaurants from high-end gourmet to basic casual. I haven't been to Villandry, but I understand the most praised aspect of the chateau is the gardens. I see that there's a reduced entry fee to visit just the gardens .

It's a pretty long drive from Angers to Chenonceau and the D952 is a lot slower than the A85. I'm not sure how scenic it actually is. You will certainly want to take the A85 for the return. And whatever you do, use the A85 to get through Tours. We made the mistake of using surface streets for just part of Tours, and it took forever.

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2916 posts

I haven't been to Villandry, but I understand the most praised aspect of the chateau is the gardens.

Yes, that's true, as long as you like the neatly organized French garden style. I'm not a big fan of that, as I prefer English gardens, so I wasn't wild about. Villandry.

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9436 posts

There’s lots of wonderful places to visit en route but Chenonceau deserves at least 4 hrs imo. We’ve been many times, our favorite chateau, and have easily spent an entire day there. There is much to see in addition to the chateau. They have a very good café there, or you can picnic there.

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74 posts

Thanks, all!

I'm not sure the D road is actually anymore scenic, either, but my Michelin atlas has it as a green (scenic) route, so hopefully the longer drive time will pay off with prettier views. I plan to avoid Tours altogether by staying well south of it. I lived in Angers years ago and only went to Tours a few times, but I never had a positive experience there--I think it scarred me!

Good to hear Candes is worth a stop--I love the plus beaux villages, but we'll see how much they interest the teens. I'd heard about the Da Vinci museum in Amboise and may consider it--I was concentrating on a halfway point, but it's only 2 hrs, so no reason we can't do the drive and then explore.

I've actually been to Chenonceau several times, and I never get tired of it! I'm planning for us to arrive about 3-4 pm, so we should have a solid 3-4 hours there (plus extra time in the gardens if we aren't hurried out).

Can anyone tell me more about Ussé, the town? I think we'll likely do the Abbey the same day we visit Saumur, but it's definitely a good option if not. Our Chenonceau day may end up being a Monday now, so that might alter our options slightly. I'll look into Langeais as well, since it's not really on my radar.

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9436 posts

momo516, I’m glad to hear that... : ) I was worried you’d never been and weren’t allowing enough time to enjoy it. Sounds like a very fun trip!