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Input needed on a month in Nice/Antibes/VSM

Revamping a previous post as my plans are evolving.
I'm doing a month in France next June as my daughter will be doing a language program in Nice. I'll do an AirBnB likely, no car unless I need it. I will vacation for a couple of weeks and work remotely the remainder. So, I do need a base for half the time at least. I'm toying with Antibes vs Villefrance-sur-Mer as a base, doing day trips from there and maybe renting a car for an overnight or two if I decide to do more exploring. I like artsy, quiet and chill but do want variety in outings and restaurants given the duration. (I'm 55 and very active.) I'd love input on:

  • Is 30 days based in one of those spots just too much? If so, what do people recommend (half time there and half time hitting a couple of other spots in France? Or maybe splitting between two locations?) So many options my head is swimming.
  • Which as a base, Antibes or VSM? Is train/bus access easy in both?

I appreciate the input. Thanks.

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For 30 days without a car, I would choose Nice itself, followed by Antibes. Villefranche s Mer will be less convenient IMO due to the lack of inland connections.