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How to get from Bordeaux Merignac airport to Best Western Bordeaux Bayonne Etche Ona

What options do we have to get from Bordeaux Airport to BW Bordeaux Bayonne Etche Ona hotel? Thank you. If you know approx cost that would be helpful.

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A local bus, number 1 (1+ after July 6), goes from the airport to the center, and from there it's a short walk to your hotel. A single trip is €1.50, and it would be covered by various transit passes and City Passes. However, you'd have to know where to get off (its last stop is the train station, south of the center). This is probably a better options for returning to the airport (that's how I did it).

If you do want to do this, Google Maps shows that you get off at the stop Poste de Mériadeck and walk 10 minutes to the hotel:

A shuttle goes directly from the airport to the train station, but you'd then need to take a tram or taxi to your hotel. Cost €7.20. Information here:

A taxi from the airport to the hotel will be about €38, according to one online calculator. If you're arriving from the US, jetlagged and not knowing where you're going, and there's a few of you (you said "we" rather than "I"), it's probably worth it.