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How to complete the new Pass Sanitaire (effective August 28th)

Tourists may apply prior to arriving in France for a COVID vaccine certificate of equivalence (QR code) which can be loaded into the French "TousAntiCovid" app or presented on paper can be found at:
⚠️ From 27 August 2021 the applications for a QR code are made online.

For foreign nationals, except students:
For foreign students:

▶ ⚠️When to send applications: The website advises "You are already in France or you intend going there within the coming days.." (Different rules for students)
▶ ⚠️ Tips for completing online applications:
✅ The country of residence is France. You may use your hotel address
✅ Attachments must be PDF, PNG et JPEG format and each one must be less than 3MB
✅ The country of vaccination may appear in French. If vaccinated in the U.S. in country of vaccination use: "ETATS-UNIS' or if this is not an option use "UnitedStates"
✅ Copy of travel ticket - include return/round trip tickets (i.e. to and from)
✅ Where it says "Completed at" you would include the town/city and country where you filled in the application.
✅ Separate application (but can be done under the one login) required for:

each person 18 and over and
travel from 30 September for each person 12 and over

▶ How to use the QR code: You can print out the QR code and present it this way or load it into the TousAntiCovid app which can be downloaded including outside of France.

Posted by
739 posts

It's a French form, I'm pretty certain they want your country of permanent residence. They ask for "pays de résidence a l'étranger", which can be translated as "country of residence abroad" or "country of foreign residence:. You are applying for a French pass. It is implied you are coming to France.

Posted by
46 posts

you would think that, just as I did originally. However, after not hearing from anyone after 10 days, I contacted the agency directly (you can ask for assistance), I was advised that they are wanting the address while staying in France. It's definitely confusing!

Posted by
15189 posts

I also just went back in and put my first French hotel address in the box for notes.

On the other thread I was laughing because the form translates my US location into English...sort I added that at the bottom too. By the time a person actually reviews this I'll have written a novel in there.

Posted by
180 posts

I get an error when I click on the link. I've just finished my application a couple of days ago but I havent sent it off. Is this different?

Posted by
26 posts

Do you have to sign up for the "France Connect" first, before filling out the form?

Posted by
260 posts

So for the address do we just put the first hotel we are staying at? We are staying in Bayeux first and than Paris.

Posted by
980 posts

I just went in to revise my form. The only reason residence abroad doesn't make sense to be your address while in France is that the country of residence question that is searchable. If they are looking for France, then why give us a choice in that space?

I put in my U.S. address but made a note of my France address. I will let you all know if I hear from anyone.

Posted by
201 posts

Like others, I've also puzzled over the "address of residence abroad" and "country of residence abroad". We are so centric thinking this doesn't make sense because we're going to France so why are they asking this. It just dawned on me that France rules over a number of other countries like Guadalope so my guess is under "country of residence abroad" they want to know which of their territories you are going to. Once I realized that, it totally makes sense that we put in what the address we will be at in France, and country is France and then that also helps with them for contact tracing.

Posted by
172 posts

I was concerned about the date format, but after seeing a summary of my application, I see that everything is fine. I did however make a note in the additional notes section, and now I notice my original submission time has changed from around 1 am Sunday morning to 3 pm today! I am not sure how applications are being dealt with, I just hope I haven't unwittingly put myself in the back of the queue by making that change! There have been more than 10k applications since the new system went into effect. In any event, I don't leave until Sept. 9 so I'm not worried, I'm hopeful everything will be fine.

Posted by
980 posts

Oh Kathy that does make sense!

Greg, ugh I bet you are right that the application gets back in line.

Posted by
172 posts

@CaliMom, actually I see that it states my file was updated today (it can still be updated while it is in the "en construction" stage), however the original submission date still appears on the summary. Didn't mean to cause any alarm. I still think they will prioritize people who are already in France or who are arriving sooner.

Posted by
10517 posts

France rules over a number of other countries like Guadalope so my guess is under "country of residence abroad" they want to know which of their territories you are going to.

Except that Guadeloupe (to take your example) is not considered “abroad” in France. No matter how far away it may be in distance, it is a wholly integrated part of France.

It's as if one were to say Hawaii or Alaska were “abroad” from the United States. It just doesn't make sense, and one wouldn’t say it.

Posted by
10 posts

Filling out online form and at bottom it ask for "Country of Vaccination" and has a drop down that does not include the United States. I tried to type in United States but will not allow me. How are you filling that out? Thanks

Posted by
5 posts

When I attempt to add my passport, vaccination card and travel ticket documents (in pdf format) I receive an error that states " Error creating file". Has anyone else encountered this issue when filling out the online application?

Posted by
84 posts

@lib.luther- I did from my hp laptop. I ended up saving in my photos on my ipad and the everything uploaded.

Posted by
260 posts

Just filled it out and put our first hotel first, and than in the additional comments I put our 2nd hotel which is in Paris. Also put our return flight from CDG to PDX. So hopefully everything is good. We have not purchased our Naples Italy to Paris ticket as we are waiting and seeing what the new restrictions are if any. We don’t travel till Oct 15. And seems like people have been waiting awhile so decided to just get in and wait. I did get a confirmation that the for was submitted in my email. Now we wait!

Posted by
8832 posts

I think they are asking for our home address so I put that and then added our first hotel in the comment section. It is remarkably unclear.

Posted by
2176 posts

When traveling from the US to Europe one is “ traveling abroad” so it makes sense that your address would be a France address in this case.

Posted by
122 posts

I sent my first application to the area1 email address on 8/11. Then I applied through the above website on 8/26. I received my QR code this morning and it was sent from the area1 email address. Thank goodness! The system DOES work! T-30 days!!!!

Posted by
21 posts

Just want to add one more example——my success of the health pass:
Submitted on 08/26/21 to area1 email:
—Copies of passport, US health code, air ticket, application form(address abroad: put my US home’s)
Note: attachments no more than 10 MB(I usually use “Actual size,” but I used “Large” this time).
I received mine today, 08/31/21.
Good luck to everyone!

Posted by
3418 posts

They must be working hard today because I just received mine. Submitted on Aug 10th, using my US address.

Posted by
132 posts

So glad to hear so many are having success!!! No pass here yet, but I remain hopeful! (We leave tomorrow, ek!)

Question - do you think it would matter at all that our CDC card and passport are on the same scan page? uploaded the same page for each requirement.

Posted by
172 posts

For those who submitted applications through the online portal and received their QR codes, did you receive emails when your application went from "en construction" to "en instruction" status? Or do you just receive an email when the process is complete?

Posted by
122 posts

GregW...I received a notification this morning that it went into "construction" mode and I would still be able to edit my application. However, I did receive my QR code that was submitted through the area1 email. Not sure I will get another QR code or if they will void out the most recent application.

Posted by
3418 posts

William, I had my passport and just the front of my CDC card (did not send back) on the same page of one of my PDFs. So, no worries on how you did it.

Posted by
1 posts

I submitted the application this morning (9/2/21) and received a QR code within 1 hour! I put my US address for the country abroad but did put the address of where I would be staying in Paris in the notes section. It worked!

Posted by
3 posts

Has anyone any advice for filling in the electronic form if you've received a mixed dose? This is pretty common in Canada and Europe. The form appears to only allow for specifying one vaccine. I know it is recognized by France. I was thinking that I'd put my second dose Moderna and then my vacinne certificate shows both the first and second doses (Covishield and Moderna) Thanks for any advice.

Posted by
51 posts

lpricehike - your entry is appreciated, BUT, please correct your adress guidance. "Adress a L'etranger" means your US adress, not where you will be staying in France. If you wish to indicate where you are in France, add it to the notes.

"Your adress" is your USA adress.

Posted by
15189 posts

@dbennett: I'd put your last dose in on the location where you tick the box for your dose then there is a text box down at the end and I'd put a note there that you had a mixed does with XX for #1 and XX for #2.

Posted by
3 posts

Thanks for the reply. That's a good idea. I'll note the mixed dose in the comments.

Posted by
24 posts

I just got this email this morning:
Dear Sir or Madam,

We are sorry to inform you that we are currently receiving a very large number of requests and will not be able to process them all.
We remind you that a negative result of an antigen test taken at a pharmacy, available all over France, grants the user a health pass that is valid for three days (72 hours).

We inform you that a new application is available online for foreign citizens except students :
and following this link for students :

Im going to reapply and see what happens as I see a lot of people have received theirs right away, and I put this in on Aug. 29.

Posted by
3 posts

I got the same email this morning. My flight is tonight, and I've already applied via the portal as well, last week. I think it'll have to be testing for us. Oh well, but good to know for sure, I guess.

Posted by
8832 posts

It has been over two weeks now with the first application and no response except the initial note it was received. Edited to note, we did just receive now the notice that those applications will not be processed and so one must use the new system.

We resubmitted using the new system and it has been 5 days on that and it is still in the 'construction' phase not in active evaluation. It is frustrating. We know people who have received the QRs in a days or two and others who are now in France and have not yet gotten them.

The idea of testing every 3 days is ludicrous on a long trip.

Posted by
24 posts

I have a little time since I won't arrive until the 19th of Sept. I don't see where you would have to test or quarantine unless you are not vaccinated. On American Airlines site it still says -No proof of COVID-19 test results required for vaccinated

They use Sherpa:

Posted by
172 posts

I've been tempted to resubmit my application, but with only a week to go before Ieave, I figure I'll just wait and see what happens. It's difficult to know how they are processing requests, whether they are going by first come/first served, or by date of arrival. If it's the latter, I'm better off just waiting.

Posted by
739 posts

Now see they say they've sent a message that been inundated with applications and may not be able to process all of them in time:

"We are sorry to inform you that we are currently receiving a very large number of requests and will not be able to process them all.

We remind you that a negative result of an antigen test taken at a pharmacy, available all over France, grants the user a health pass that is valid for three days (72 hours). "

Posted by
26 posts

I applied two days ago and hopefully we will get our pass before we leave on September 14. I know you are supposed to upload the pass (once you finally get it) to an app, but I see two TousAntiCovid apps on the App Store: TousAntiCovid and TousAntiCovid Verif. Anyone know which is the correct one?

Posted by
10517 posts

I don't see where you would have to test or quarantine unless you are not vaccinated.

It’s a bit confusing, but there are different regimes in place for
1) entering France
2) doing things once you are in France - like going to restaurants, museums, etc.

1) To enter France, you only need your proof of vaccination, and they have been accepting the CDC card for entry as proof.

2) however, once you are in France, to do almost anything indoors (go to a restaurant, go to a museum, go to a sporting event, go to the theater), you must show a health pass. In this instance, they have not been willing to state out loud that they will accept the CDC card as the equivalent of the French health pass (although in practice, many Forum correspondents have found out that they will accept the CDC card). To avoid the risk of your CDC card not being accepted at some venue, you would want to apply to the French government through the site mentioned above to have your CDC card “converted” into a French QR code, which serves as the health pass. If you are unable to get your CDC card accepted at a venue, and haven’t been successful in getting your CDC card converted to a health pass/QR code, you have a third option: get an antigen test at a pharmacy for €29; the negative result of the antigen test (and its QR code) serve as a health pass for 72 hours.

(In short: American Airlines is referring to what is required to ENTER France, not what is in play once you are here and need to prove “safe” status.)

Posted by
10517 posts

To kkodros - the correct app is TousAntiCovid.

The “TousAntiCovidVerif” is the app that people staffing restaurants or museums or whatever use to verify your health pass.

Posted by
15189 posts

"It's difficult to know how they are processing requests, whether they are going by first come/first served, or by date of arrival."

Gregg, as far as I can tell they are processing them in a random manner. I applied to the "old" website on Aug 20. I helped friends submit their applications on August 24 (old system). I reapplied to the new system Aug 28. One of my friends got her approval on Monday, Aug 30, less than a week after submission to the old system. We are arriving together the 3rd week of Sept.

At least I got the emaiil from the government mentioned above so they DID get my 1st application. My 2nd application is still showing as "under construction" as well.

Kim, I thought it was interesting the official email did not mention using the CDC/Canada equivalent even though anecdotally people are having few issues with this method.

Posted by
260 posts

for those that have received the QR code from the new system. What is the email address from them and what is in the subject line from France? Just curious so I can keep an eye out and not accidentally delete the email. Thanks

Posted by
39 posts

What did you all do when it came to uploading the required documents? I’m stumped on the request for the “return ticket”. Are they referring to the email from the airline confirming the flight or some old school paper ticket?

Posted by
8 posts

We applied with the new website on Aug 27th, and both of us received our QR codes on Sept 3rd. Glad to be done with testing every three days because here in the deep Sud Ouest of France, nobody has seen a CDC card and when we show it, they think it is fake.

Posted by
10517 posts

Kevin — for ticket evidence, just upload the PDF that the airline sent you with your flight information, name, etc.

Posted by
1 posts

Quick note from Paris: we never received the electronic pass. So much time invested in both systems. However in Paris had been a non issue. CDC card has been accepted everywhere.

Posted by
10517 posts

Kevin, yes of course. Smartly, you're looking at everything early so you will be prepared.

Just consider yourself lucky considering that the U.S, still isn't allowing French people (or any Europeans) to visit for tourism — so Europeans don't have these preparation concerns — because they can’t visit !!

Posted by
180 posts

Me and my Son have both submitted on the online portal. Our trip to France is 6 weeks away so hopefully we will get ours before we go. Maybe by then the pass wont be required anymore, who knows?

Posted by
180 posts

Thanks Kim. Well, we have a good 6 1/2 weeks before we fly. Hopefully we'll have it by then. I read somewhere on this forum that someone got theirs in an hour? If we made a mistake filling out the application, they will let is know so we can correct it, right? Has this happened to anyone?

Posted by
8832 posts

I would assume that if your application is flawed it will simply be rejected and you will have to start over -- you can proof it on line to make sure it is not flawed. I screwed up some details in my husband's application and was able to make the corrections because it is now still 'under construction' and not being considered, but once it is under review, I think it is either accepted or rejected.

I of course don't know -- it has all been discouragingly difficult -- but I think it is the best guess. The application is not difficult to get right so proof it.

Posted by
180 posts

I just looked over mine. It looks correct so fingers crossed!

Posted by
119 posts

What are you submitting for the airline ticket? I can print a screen that has flight info (dates and flight numbers), record locator and name and destination information, how to reserve a meal, etc. I also have an email with that plus pricing and other details.

Posted by
1 posts

Hi Guys, As I see most of you are struggling with your health passes. I did too. But here is a hack:

So the french govt is processing this on a last in first out basis. I had submitted my file 8 days ago.. patiently waited but nothing happened. I just started a new case and submitted it and I got approved with 5 minutes.

PS: Country of residence abroad and address is your home country. Not the french address.

You're welcome!

Posted by
531 posts

Regarding Air tickets…..I am inclined to send my Ticket Itinerary and Traveler information only.

I have angsted over this for several days since the confirmation email from the airline (AA) includes record Locator, Ticket Numbers and Frequent Flyer numbers for each traveler, and, of course your traveler names……much too much information for someone to hack into your airline account and wreak havoc with your miles and your flights.

A simple Ticket Receipt includes all of this as well.

AA has an email function that allows you to email your Trip Details to yourself and/or friends and family……it has no identifying info other than traveler names and flight details ….it has American’s header and when it was ticketed but no ticket numbers or FF#’s.

This same conversation is going on in another air travel forum elsewhere.

Has anyone done this and succeeded getting the QR code?

Posted by
26 posts

Is there a final word on if the "country of residence" is where we are staying France (like the hotel address) or our own address here in the States? I've seen both on the forum. I applied about 9 days ago using the hotel in Paris as our "country of residence." Should I apply again?

Thanks for any help!

Posted by
8832 posts

The address is your home address; you can change the application as long as it hasn't been acted on -- just go in and edit it; it does not change your date of submission.

Posted by
51 posts

I applied 10 days ago on the new web site and my application is still "en construction". We leave a week from today. I really don't want to take a test every three days, although we are all vaccinated, one of us will likely test positive at some point in our two week trip, which then I assume, means you have to quarantine. (positive test either because you are carrying covid asymptomatically, or, 4 people getting tested every three days for two weeks, liable to get a false positive too.
Any suggestions? I know one person here called and was helped, but the letter they sent me said not to call.

Posted by
4111 posts

@rshanes, A couple of things. First, Are you traveling to Paris or another heavily "touristed" part of France? If so, from what I have seen on this site and others and heard from others, your CDC card should work for most things so testing will not be required. I have a Goddaughter in France right now who did not even know to apply for the pass and she has had zero issues. She is spending half her time in Paris and the other half in Nice. Second, my application took 7 business days (10 days) to be processed and I applied on August 28th. One of my traveling companion's pass took 11 days and the third took around 20 minutes. I think they are working on a combination of application date and travel date. Keep the faith, you could still get it. The system now says it takes on average 11 days to receive the pass. I would assume those are business days and expect that it will take about two weeks from the application date. Third, I would not call (unless you are quite fluent in French) but I did email on September 6th using the messaging link at the application website and received my pass the next day and same for my 11-day traveling companion so maybe a gentle email nudge might help.
BTW, if you test positive and are asymptomatic, you should quarantine.

Posted by
23 posts

Ditto to what JHK said.

In France since earlier this month. Lyon first, now Avignon. No problem to date with the CDC card. Worked at the Air France check-in desk, getting through CDG, and at all restaurants and other venues so far. I did receive my QR code a couple of days ago (applied on 28 AUG), although my wife is still waiting for hers. The owner of the hotel thinks sooner or later we'll run into someone who won't accept it, but it hasn't happened yet.

Also, your passe application won't spend much time in the second status category (review stage). My application went from under construction to approved in 6 minutes -- and I was thinking it would take a couple of days for some reason.

Anyway, you'll likely get your passe, have a great trip -- and save your worries for the important things -- like staying safe to you can pass the 'return to the states' COVID test at trip's end.

Posted by
15189 posts

"Also, your pass application won't spend much time in the second status category (review stage)."

I agree with this. I was asked for clarification, added additional information, changed the form and with the back and forth it took about 10 minutes from when it went to the under review.

I do encourage all to check your email at night. I got a message at about 930P PDT asking for clarification and if I hadn't decided to check it would have been the next AM before I saw it and would have held up my approval another day.

"but once it is under review, I think it is either accepted or rejected."

I just saw this comment upthread and I will say that in my experience they DO contact you to ask you to revise or clarify information. I had put in my Vaccine country (Etats-Unis) and somehow the form had not held that information. (Yes, I'd gone back to review) The reviewer sent me an email and asked which country, so I answered back to them wherein they said to correct the form which I did, then messaged back that the form was changed. So...I found them to be remarkably kind in dealing with "etrangers", lol. I got messages from 3 different people over 10 minutes so maybe they get credit for reviewing and moving on as quickly as possible.

Hello, I applied for the passe sanitaire 2 and a half weeks ago and haven't received it.
I've been in Paris for 5 days now and have visited many cafés, small shops, Monoprix, Carrefour, as well as 2 museums. Only the museums asked for the passe sanitaire, and immediately accepted the CDC cards. I don't know about other parts of France, but in Paris if you have your CDC cards, you're good.

Posted by
8832 posts

We signed up under the old system but that never worked and we got the message they were no longer processing those. We applied to the new system on August 29 and made some major changes in the trip after that updating the applications while they were under instruction.

Got the passes for both of us this morning Sept 10. our applications were 5347xxxx

Posted by
11 posts

I got vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine. In the vaccine section on this application there all kinds of Moderna vaccines to choose from. Which one should I choose? On my CDC card only says Moderna with a serial number. Thank you helping me.

Posted by
15189 posts

I just picked one of the Modernas when I filled it out. On my actual Pass Sanitaire it says it's the Moderna from Spain but I am not going to attempt to change that. I believe I picked the 2nd choice, so pick the 1st one, lol.

You can also add a note in the box at the end of the form explaining you got the Moderna in the US and did not know which one to pick.

Posted by
8832 posts

I am sure none of those listed actually matched mine either -- I just picked a Moderna -- pass came through fine. I have since gotten the third shot but didn't add that

Posted by
531 posts

Has anyone completed 2 applications under the same email but for different travelers?

I created the account and completed my application and received dossier # containing my information.
I then moved on to do my traveling partner’s application …I thought I had logged out but I hadn’t ….it allowed me to create my partner’s application under the same email…..she received a different dossier# containing her information.

The ticket itinerary I uploaded to each application since we were traveling together. That document noted we were ticketed but no ticket #’s and both of our names were on the document.

I made notes at the end that we were traveling together and added the name of the hotel.

Does this sound about right? Is there anything I missed or did incorrectly?

Posted by
8 posts

Has anyone completed 2 applications under the same email but for different travelers?

You're good, Chris! I also did this when I submitted it for my husband and myself on August 30th. It was totally fine and we got our applications approved today.

Posted by
8832 posts

yes, once you have an account you can submit several applications through that account. I submitted both my husband's and mine on August 29 from the same account and we got them both a couple of days ago.

Posted by
3 posts

I've puzzled over the "Address of residence abroad" question. After reading all of the posts and responses my solution was to provide both

Parisian Address

Home Residence Address

These are human beings that are processing the requests so surely this covers the bases well enough. Crossing fingers!

Posted by
8832 posts

you are supposed to put your home address in that 'address abroad' slot but people have reported getting the pass when doing either that or putting in their Paris address. We used our home address as requested and got the pass with no trouble.