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How much rain for June/July in France?

I am going to be all over France for 5 weeks from late June through most of July and I am trying to pack light. I am reading guidebooks and weather websites and trying to decide on an umbrella.

How much rain does France get typically in the summer? I see that in July, Paris has about 10-12 days with some rain in it, but how much rain? Does it rain for just a short bit on those days typically or is it usually wet and miserable for the entirety of 10-12 days? And is it typically real windy with the rain?

My one umbrella is ultralight and good for occasional showers without a lot of wind, but I have a bigger and heavier one for a place with more rain (and with some wind protection). I want to pack light, so I'd like to avoid the heavier one if I don't need it.


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8125 posts

The norm is it rains only occasionally in summer and not all day. You just need a very light weight wind breaker water resistant with a hood.

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408 posts

If you find that you need one, collapsable umbrellas are readily available in France, of course. About 11€ at a Monoprix -- you can pay more if you want one that is a memento of, for example, a museum or chateau. On hot days some people use 'em for sun protection as well as rain protection.

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2725 posts

We took the RS tour to the Loire and South of France last two weeks of June 2013. It rained nearly every day. We found the umbrella difficult in crowded areas but got a lot of use out of our hooded rain jackets.

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10032 posts

one can never know for sure. for packing, a hooded jacket is often useful. a small umbrella next. If you end up really needing a big umbrella, you can buy one here.

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2466 posts

You don't need an umbrella - they are useless in the wind.
Equip yourself with a lightweight parka and hood.
That's all you need.
It may rain, or it may not - in July or June - light rain is possible, but so are thunderstorms.