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How much of Musee Rodin Closed in June?

I went to buy tickets in advance to the Rodin gardens and the website says parts of it will be closed for an installation from June 5-July 8. Does anyone know how much of it is closed and if it is still worth going?

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759 posts

Hopefully, it's just a small area that will be closed off. We went in April. We arrived about an hour and a half before closing, so all we did was meander through the gardens on a beautiful spring day. We never made it inside the museum. I'd go anyway. It's not an overly huge garden but it was certainly beautiful and peaceful and has a lovely view of the top of the Eiffel Tower from it.

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1143 posts

To repeat what I have said in other threads, the Rodin Museum is so worth a visit, even if you only get to see the garden. The sculptures there are wonderful, especially The Burghers of Calais and The Gates of Hell. Research the history of the Burghers of Calais, a fascinating story!
I hope you get to visit.

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4764 posts

The gardens are the best part, as Rick hints the work inside is repetitious and somewhat tedious and boring. If you're dying to see 10 studies and 5 drawings of the same folded hand, you're in luck. Otherwise walk around outside and enjoy.

However, they do have special exhibits in the museum and of course a gift shop, where many items were purchased.

They also have a pretty good selection of Rodin works at the Orsay.