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How big a mess is it Paris right now?

We are going in two weeks and are concerned about the protests, garbage and strikes we have been seeing in the news. Can anyone currently there report back? Is it safe? We are thinking of re-directing to southern France as we have tickets purchased already and have a Vining cruise from Lyon to Avignon that we can't cancel. That's hoping that the trains don't go on strike. It figures, our first trip to France.

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225 posts

I just returned on Friday from a week in Paris with my 6 year old. Overall, I would not have known anything was going on if not for the following the news before I left. The exception to this, is that there was a protest on Wednesday near the Invalides. We were staying in the 7th. The buses and metro were not operating to our area due to the protests. In order to get back to our hotel, we had to walk through a very large police presence. I do not think there was a moment that we were actually unsafe, but it did not feel good to be walking around with SO MANY police vans filled with officers in riot gear. It does seem that maybe the protests have become more angry since we left, which was early Friday morning. But again, now I am relying on the news.

I don't know if that helps - if you have specific questions feel free to send me a message. I was glad we did not change our plans.

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84 posts

Thank you. looks like we're not the only ones with concern.