Looking for hotel near garde du nord for one adult and two teens. Arriving from Caen. Departing on Eurostar 3 or 4 days later.
Do yourself a favor and look in some other vicinity for a hotel. If you're staying 3 or 4 days the area around Gare du Nord is not where you want to be.
I agree with the previous poster. I would stay in the 4th, 5th, or 6th arrondisement. If you tell us your budget and how many beds you need (i.e. can two of you share a bed), we can offer suggestions.
Agree with the others. In general, staying around many train stations in most European large cities, can be a pretty gritty experience, especially if you're a female with children. Less problematic for men but still . . .with children not a good idea.
Thanks so much for the input!! I will look in the other areas; 5,6. Budget is moderate; $200 to $400 a night. Need to be safe. Was trying for minimal luggage dragging around, but sounds like the train area is not a good idea. I would like to be able to get to the hotel by train and or subway. Arriving from Caen at St. Lazare and departing on Eurostar Gare de Nord.
You might also look in the 10th or 11th for accommodations. Busy, exciting areas with pockets of serenity. I have rented 2 apartments there on recent trips with great results. It is an area in transition, only 3 metro stops from Gard du Nord.
Are you looking for a triple room or two rooms for the budget, bearing in mind that one room will result in only one bathroom? And when are you traveling? I ask because room rates fluctuate and something could be in your budget in November but out of it in July.
With a budget of $200 to $400 per night, you have a lot of options. I agree time of year will make a difference; if it's in the summer, you will want air conditioning (and no, even at your price point not all places will have it).
For my last few trips, I've stayed at the Grand Hotel des Balcons, in the 6th (between the Odeon Theater and the Odeon Metro stop). The rooms aren't as fancy as the lobby, but they're fine. It's below your price point, but is not air conditioned. http://www.balcons.com/en/index.html
As for getting to and from train stations, for three people plus luggage, just take a taxi. Once your luggage is stowed, take the Metro or walk everywhere. Once you plan to take taxis, you can stay in much nicer areas than the ones around the train stations.