Just wondering if anyone has personal experience with this hotel or the area around it. Missing Paris and want to go back so badly.
It’s at 8 rue D’Arras in the 5th I believe, near rue des Écoles
Just wondering if anyone has personal experience with this hotel or the area around it. Missing Paris and want to go back so badly.
It’s at 8 rue D’Arras in the 5th I believe, near rue des Écoles
I guess not a popular place with people here.
We have stayed in the general area at Timhotel Jardine des Plantes. Hotel St. Pierre and apartments near Odeon -- love to wander the Latin Quarter streets.
Laura, how were the transportation links?
We prefer buses to the Metro.
We also want to go to Versailles one day as it got closed down during our visit in 2015 because of the terrorist attacks.
It's still 2 year away but I dream of France every night. I want to go back so badly. First we need to do Hawaii and Ireland as that is next on the list but I can't stop dreaming of Paris.