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Hotel Londres Eiffel Suggestions

WE will arrive at Hotel Londres Eiffel a couple of days before the RS Paris Tours. Will be traveling with my 16 years old niece. Would appreciate recommendations for sightseeing, restaurants and shopping near hotel.

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176 posts

Well, the Eiffel Tower is a possibility. You might want to take a cruise on the Seine, on Batobus. A walk by the Ecole Militaire can be fun. As for restaurants, I do recommend an Indian restaurant on Rue d'Ouessant (I think), but you may be looking for French food. If so, Café de Commerce is not too far away. But if you are not averse to using the metro or the bus system, you have virtually all of Paris to choose from, and I am sure you can get recommendations from various websites on places to eat. Peter

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2252 posts

You should have received a guide book for your tour as we did for ours in July. You should have your niece read it over and you, also, for lots of great ideas in that particular area. Not only is it full of recommendations of things to do and restaurants in that area, but it is easy and fun to read. Also, on the Rick Steves website describing the tour is a section listing the sites the tour does not cover as well as suggested pre tour activities. You can check out some of those recommendations that might be of interest to all of you. I am familiar with that area and there is so much to see and do as well as wonderful places to enjoy a meal. I won't go into specifics as you will have lots of folks who know the whole of Paris better than I do who will post excellent responses to your questions. When I take my two oldest granddaughters on the tour next July, I plan to let them decide what they would like to do after reading all the provided info. If they just want to sit outside and enjoy Parisian life, well, I'll be on board with that, too! I do recall a terrific restaurant right around the corner from the Londres Eiffel where I ate last May. I believe it was Constant Cafe (?). When are you going? We will be staying at the Londres Eiffel, too.

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161 posts

We will be going in April to take advantage of the school spring break. Will tell you all about it when we get back in case you can use some of the information for your July trip with your daughters. Thanks everybody!

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2252 posts

I'd love that, Gladys; thank you! July definitely wasn't my first choice (not a fan of heat!) but it's high school graduation gifts for the girls and the best timing available with music and sports activities taking up a lot of their "free' time even over breaks. We would be excited to have others their ages along on our tour and was hoping your family would be on ours!

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14561 posts

On your arrival afternoon I'd take a right out of the front door of the hotel and then a left on Rue Saint-Dominique. From here it's a straight shot over to the Eiffel Tower. Nothing says "You're in Paris" to me like walking out on the Champ de Mars and seeing the Eiffel Tower! DO make yourself pickpocket proof and study up on Paris scams. There are usually petition girls all along the park here so if someone comes up with a clipboard and asks if you speak English ignore them.

If you've got an interest Napoleon's Tomb is an easy walk away as is the Army Museum.

As Andi indicates, Cafe Constant is right next door to the hotel as well as a number of other restaurants nearby. I particularly like the 2 Italian restaurants down at the end of the block. Both are named Gusto Italia, one is more their nicer dining venue, the other has tables but also does lots of carry out. There are also many restaurants along Rue Cler which is nearby and which is described in Rick's books. Plus you'll pass many between the hotel and this area.

I'd also not restrict yourselves to the area around the hotel. You'll get a transportation lesson from your guide but the Metro is pretty easy to figure out. There is a manned ticket booth at the Ecole Militaire Metro station which is the closest to you, so you can buy a carnet of tickets (10 individual rides) to get around. With your tour you'll get a Metro Pass but a few tickets ahead of time will be easy to use up. Be sure to say Bonjour to the ticket seller before you start to ask anything. They are generally bilingual but you need to greet them first and ask if they speak English.

I walk a lot in Paris and a number of times have walked back to this area from the Louvre or Notre Dame if you are shy about trying to learn the Metro.

What a fun trip for your niece! If you are looking for a present for her for Christmas, I'd suggest a small journal. Encourage her to at least write brief notes every night - even in bullet form- because it's hard to remember everything you do!

editing to add: If you have an interest in Art Nouveau or just want to see some cool building facades, several of these are right near your hotel. I'd not try to follow the whole walk, just look at several of them, particularly the first few. I see it's been changed slightly as it used to list a building address on Rue de la Bourdonnaise (looks like it is the facade to the left of the "Paris Trips" red awning. Both that address and Avenue and Square Rapp are right around the corner from your hotel.

(PS sorry about the ads on that link!)

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790 posts

I second the recommendation for Gusto Italia. We ate there twice, including a delightful evening with a young local named Sebastian, who ended up buying us after-dinner drinks. It’s a special memory, and the food is good.