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Hotel de Ville, Paris


Will be in Paris soon, post-Olympics. Has anyone visited the inside of the Hotel de Ville? I can't find much information about what is there to see, but we always stay at a hotel near it, and find it intriguing. The info on the website ( is confusing. It sounds like only group tours are available and individual tours are suspended, but does that mean individuals can't go in on a self-guided kind of thing. I would appreciate any info from folks who have been inside.

Many thanks

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10019 posts

It says that those prepared group visits are cancelled also (last line in that section).

Since it doesn't give any information about when it will re-open for visits, I think you will just have to keep checking the website to see if the language changes.

But the Paralympics don't end until September 8, so I would guess it won't be until after then that the Hotel de Ville reopens for visits or tours.