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Hertz rental in Bayeux

The Rick Steves’ 2018 France travel guide indicates that the Hertz rental car office is at the Bayeux train station, but online sites all indicate that it is at some fuel station in the north of town. Can anyone confirm it’s current location? Thanks.

Posted by
662 posts

In 2013 it was at a fuel station north of town, but quite walkable (we rented a car for the day to see Honfleur).

Posted by
32408 posts


When I rented there a few years ago, it was located at a fuel station. Google Maps would seem to confirm that....,-0.7252922,3a,60y,16.7h,89.65t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sO_k398eA_6Hjm7Ohaq2kcw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Unfortunately their website is all in French and doesn't have an English option, but you may be able to glean some information from it - .

Posted by
180 posts

It looks to far to walk unless you have a ton of free time, it is weird that a city with so much tourism doesn't have a car rental location closer to the train station. Maybe hire a taxi to take you out there?

Posted by
16895 posts

FYI, RS France 2019 describes them like this:

Car Rental: Bayeux offers two choices. Hertz allows you to drop off in a different city and is open daily, but it's not very central--you'll need to take a cab (Mon-Fri 8:00-20:00, Sat-Sun 8:00-12:00 & 14:00-17:00, at the Total gas station on Route de Cherbourg, tel. 02 31 92 03 26). Renault Rent is just below the train station on the ring road at the Renault dealership, but you must return your car here (Mon-Sat 7:30-19:30, closed Sun, 16 Boulevard Sadi Carnot, tel. 02 31 51 18 51).

It's mentioned on our guidebook updates page, so that does indicate a change from the earlier edition.

Posted by
5 posts

Would anyone know of a way to reserve a car from Renault Rent online in English?

I have visited their website and it is in French. I worry that if we wait to reserve upon arrival at the Bayeux train station we may be out of luck in securing a car.

Thanks for any advice.

Posted by
1005 posts

If your itinerary is flexible, take the train to Caen and rent your car there. There are five rental agencies within 100 yards of the train station.

Posted by
1291 posts

I've rented from and dropped off cars in Bayeux from Hertz. Yes, it is at a gas station on the periphery road. Further than I'd care to walk with luggage. But I have had the owner drive me to the train station before after I dropped off a car. Just don't count on it. Lately I prefer Caen for rental cars. More trains stop there, and there are multiple agencies very close. To get to the Hertz station in Caen, you take a right out of the train station, walk down the sidewalk until you can take a right under the train tracks, and Hertz is just there on the left—maybe a five minute walk.

Posted by
12315 posts

I didn't rent there but I noticed, when searching for a rental in France, when you search mid day a lot of agencies won't come up because they're closed for a long lunch. Even in big cities like Rouen. If you search for a car at noon, there are few choices (usually just the airport), search at 10 AM or 3 PM and there are many more choices. Typical hours seem to be around 7-11 and 2-6 - give or take 1/2 or an hour either way.

Posted by
5 posts

Thanks @T.
Just looked at Trainline and trains from Bayeux to Caen are inexpensive, run frequently and are quick! Thank You!!!