Our grandson received his travel packet to spend his first year in college in Paris. He flies out Sunday evening to London, where there will be a two day orientation before hopping on the Eurostar to Paris. He's taken his French placement test and landed just where he wanted, in the intermediate level. This means his French courses will count as credit when he transfers to a college stateside.
He is super excited. He is busy packing, which even though we travel light would be a challenge. He is working on one checked bag to last him to December. He will wait until he arrives to buy a sweater and a coat.
He studied in France for 6 weeks when in high school and has been to Paris before, so it won't be completely foreign. He'll live with 3 other students in an apartment building that houses mostly Parisian families. That will be part of his education as well. Luckily he's a mature, motivated young man and I'm sure he'll thrive under the circumstances.