With 2 weeks I would stay in Paris. With 3 weeks, I might head to the Alsace region (Strasbourg/Colmar, maybe a couple of nearby German cities...Metz?), a 2-3 hour train ride from Gare de l'Est. Search in this France section of the forum for suggestions about Colmar and Strasbourg for ideas.
Also, I concur with a day trip to Reims, and Versailles. Just be sure to give yourselves plenty of time in Paris, especially with going slow. Hubby and I are 81 and 82 now, last in Paris at 79 and 80, and could easily do two major sights a day with a relaxed lunch in between and a short evening stroll or vedette ride. One day could be the Eiffel Tower (from below) and along the Champs de Mar, walk to the Invalides (Army Museum/Napoleon's tomb), then a comfortable sit-down lunch to rest and relax. Follow lunch with a not very long walk to the Rodin Museum and Gardens. Fabulous sculptures in the gardens! And several places to sit and enoy them. Even if you don't go inside, it is worth it.
Versailles will be an all day trip, but not a long train ride there and back. I believe there are carts of a sort to rent to visit the Petit Trianon and the Grand Trianon and the Hameau. Otherwise they are a long hike through the grounds from the palace and fountains. Reims is also a good idea for a day trip...the cathedral where nearly every French king was crowned and which has beautiful stained glass, the WWII surrender museum site, and champagne!
As someone older than your Grandmother, and not a hiker or bicyclist or excerciser, two artificial knees and a somewhat wonky back, I am sure your trip will go very well. Don't shortchange Paris! Try to attend a concert or performance somewhere, whether at Ste. Chapelle, the Opera Garnier, or any one of a number of churches or theaters. Take frequent breaks if tired (coffee, ice cream, patisseries, wine), and use a taxi if you don't feel like walking any more or if the metro seems too intimidating (long steep stairs, crowds, confusing platform directions). When I am tired of walking, I find a place to sit and just look at Paris and Parisians and relish the fact that I am IN PARIS! I could easily spend three weeks there, but understand your desire to see someplace else as well. But do try to give Paris two weeks. It is more than Notre Dame, the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower. (It took me seven trips to Paris to finally see the Cluny Museum, and I love the Rodin Museum so much I go with every visit. I still have a list of things and places I haven't seen.)
Amusez-vous bien!