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Giverny - cheap accommodations

Good morning,
I am thinking of planning an August 2024 trip to Giverny to see the Monet Gardens. I would like to stay in this town but I have a tight budget. I already know how to arrive via train etc (thank you Rick! ) but I don't want an expensive hotel. Something safe but not expensive.

It's been quite a few years since I've been there and lots has changed.


Posted by
2032 posts

You can use the website of Gîtes de France. Have used it many times in the past, never had a bad experience and always good value for the money. In your case look for guest houses or chambre d'hôtes.

In nearby lovely La Roche-Guyon are a few reasonable priced hotels and think easy to reach with the bus from Giverny.

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7098 posts

Giverny accommodation is one relatively expensive hotel and then only B&Bs (those can be cheap). There is also just one, cheaper, hotel in la Roche Guyon (charming location, but mixed reviews), and B&Bs.
Vernon is another option. It's more of a small town than a village, but the town center is quite cute, and it is easy to get to Giverny.

Posted by
927 posts

Wil has a good suggestion. Gites de France lists chambres d'hote (in people's homes, usually with breakfast, from one night on, very reasonable). We have always been pleased with our accomodations found through them, whether one night or ten.