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Getting from Strasbourg airport to Colmar

In September 2024 we will be making a quick visit to Colmar and the surrounding "wine route" towns. I'm planning to stay in Colmar itself (hotel TBD but it will be in the old center, I'm looking at several). My question is about how to get from our arrival point – the Strasbourg airport (SXB) – to the old center of Colmar, and the challenge is that we will be arriving late...around midnight (limited flight options, that's the schedule we're stuck with).

Looks like it's no more than an hour or so from the airport to Colmar, but my initial search for public transport or an airport transfer service is only turning up unattractive/expensive options.

Anyone know of a reasonable way to get from the Strasbough airport to Colmar at an unreasonable hour?

Yes, I will ask the hotel staff (I bet they know the options), but as I have not yet booked the hotel, I figured I would consult the Oracle. Thanks for any insights/suggestions you can share.

Posted by
1810 posts

Strasbourg may be the only “big” city in the Alsace-Lorraine but it has a very small airport with taxis calling it a day after the last flight arrives at 11pm. The frequency of transportation can be quite limited in the Alsace-Lorraine and even in Strasbourg itself. The last train for Colmar leaves from Strasbourg’s train station about 11:20 pm. After midnight the only options I can think of would be by taxi or a ride share outfit such as BlaBla Car. And after mid nite those options may be quite limited and expensive as taxi drivers usually will want a good prospect of driving back to Strasbourg on the return with another paying customer traveling from Colmar to Strasbourg. There is a train shuttle that runs between the airport and Strasbourg’s main train station. Have you considered staying the first night in Strasbourg?

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1932 posts

Yeah that last sentence Kenko writes is good advice ....

Posted by
6856 posts

Or, have you considered not flying to Strasbourg in the first place? It is a tiny airport with very limited options as you've noticed. Flying to e.g. Frankfurt, Paris or Zürich will give you a lot more options.

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7804 posts

Just checking … is your flight already booked to the Strasbourg airport, so it’s a definite, non-negotiable arrival point? We’re heading to the area this coming summer, but are using the “Basel” (BSL) airport. It’s actually located in France, and quite close to Colmar, near a junction of the borders of France, Germany, and Switzerland, and is also known as the “EuroAirport Basel Mulhouse Freiburg.” We’ll then work our way to Strasbourg, after spending a few nights closer to Colmar.

If Strasbourg airport is already committed, then BSL is obviously not an option. Staying that first night in Strasbourg sounds like a worthwhile idea.

Posted by
4044 posts

Since you said arriving at midnight (assuming that flight is neither delayed nor cancelled) is “the schedule we're stuck with”, it looks like you’ll be spending the night in Strasbourg. Pick a hotel/inn with a 24/7 front desk to check you in.

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6788 posts

Thanks for the info and suggestions. If we are on that flight, it does indeed look like spending the first night in Strasbourg may be the best option (though because our time in Alsace is very limited, it's not ideal).

For some context: our flight has not yet been booked, so we do have some flexibility. However, it's on a "thin" route with not a lot of flights available (in fact, just three flights per week). We will be coming from Corsica (most likely Bastia, but now, maybe from a different airport, see below).

The wider view: For us, this trip is not really to Alsace - getting a couple days there is a bonus, a nice little by-product of an unconventional routing on our way home. This trip is actually (primarily) to Corsica, where we will be spending 2 weeks. So our brief stop in Alsace is just the cherry on top, if I can manage the logistics. Getting home from Corsica is a bit of a challenge as we plan to use points for the long flights. So in order to facilitate that, we will be doing a positioning flight from (somewhere in Corsica) to (somewhere on continental Europe) where we can catch a good flight home (using points). Our actual departure point from Europe will be Zurich (for reasons too complicated to delve into here, but Zurich is where we will board our flights home - the long flights are already booked and I'd rather not change them).

Looking at our options for getting from Corsica to someplace close-enough to Zurich, we settled on a flight to Strasbourg, with the intention of spending a few days in/around Colmar (from Colmar, we will train to Zurich, spend our last night there, fly home the next morning). There's a cheap flight from Bastia (Corsica) to Strasbourg (that's the flight I've been assuming we would take), but the obvious rub is the late arrival. However, I think I can actually keep the destination (Strasbourg) if I change the flight origin, and that gets us to Strasbourg early enough that we get more of a usable day there...

There's another flight to Strasbourg that leaves from a different airport on Corsica - from Calvi (a few hours drive from Bastia) to Strasbourg which gets us there at 10 am. It would mean we have to drive across Corsica and depart from Calvi, which would be a few more hours on the road, but in fact that might work out just as well for us, as it would eliminate the need to return back to Bastia. That's assuming the car rental cost doesn't escalate (will check on that).

That flight would get us to Strasbourg in the late morning, I assume we could get to Colmar by early afternoon via train. That buys us an afternoon in Colmar (admittedly at the expense of an afternoon/evening somewhere in Corsica) and avoids the major hassle of a midnight flight arrival.

This looks do-able. I need to double check all the flights, and see if we can get from Strasbourg to Colmar by train or bus without a long expensive slog, but starting from the airport at around 11:00 am I'm guessing there should be reasonable train/bus/etc options.

Hmmm. This should be interesting...

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11503 posts

Stay in Strasbourg instead of Colmar and then stay in a charming wine village.

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20977 posts

What airline are you looking at? Easyjet has flights from Bastia to Basel Tuesdays and Saturdays, but their schedule is not out beyond August 2024.

Posted by
7804 posts

EasyJet is how we’re flying to Basel this summer.

Posted by
1932 posts

10am flight sounds like a good choice.

Re Strasbourg/Colmar, I've visited each 3 times in the past 8 years. Both good, Colmar is my preference.