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Getting from Cannes to Monaco - drive rental car or bus?

We are in Cannes and have a rental car. We"d like to go to monaco tomorrow. We hear the traffic is awful from Cannes to Nice and then on to Monaco but more than that we heard parking spots in Monaco are at a premium?
Any advice from someone who has done this before?

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5687 posts

The train would be less scenic but a whole lot faster and more comfortable than a bus.

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10517 posts

Our family members who live near Monaco always use the parking garages there. There are height restrictions in case you are driving a large SUV but all cars pass. I agree to just take the train unless you want to stop somewhere along the way.

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33479 posts

From Cannes to Monaco the train is a slam dunk. Sit upstairs on the right.

Bus for such a long journey isn't a viable choice.

Driving will be expensive and/or very slow.

Parking in Monaco is very easy. There is virtually no street parking, you need to use one or more multi storey car parks. They aren't totally cheap but the first hour is free.

There are loads of spaces in the multistorey towers. I'm faulty at remembering exactly but the tower at the station has something like 21 levels.

Me? I've done everything one time or another but in the summer from Cannes? Train.