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Geneva and Lyon, France

Hubby and I will be in Switzerland in late September. We are flying on this trip in and out of Geneva instead of Zurich. Lyon does not look too far away from Geneva and I am wondering how a side trip there for a few nights before we fly home might work out. Never been to Lyon but would love to go. We usually enjoy Lucerne but since we are flying in and out of the opposite direction we have considered exploring Lyon. Thoughts from any of you? Got any hotel ideas or airbnb spots in Lyon for the 2 of us? Thank you so much!

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171 posts

Lyon is a very attractive city and one of the gastronomic centres of France. There is a restored old town mainly from the seventeenth century and some good museums, including the Lumiere Museum which memorialises the French cinema pioneers of the same name. My personal hotel recommendation is the Hotel Croix-Rousse, which is on the Croix-Rousse plateau up the hill from the city centre. If you're at all interested in textiles or industrial heritage try visiting the Maison des Canuts nearby for a demonstration of various types of silk weaving.

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75 posts

The train journey from Geneva <-> Lyon is about two hours and is very scenic. Trains are pretty frequent and there are also buses. We have rented apartments in Lyon from several different companies over the years. I'll put in a plug for Cocoonr who we rented from in 2022 and found highly satisfactory. They have several apartments of different sizes in Lyon.

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10403 posts

We went to Lyon last year and really enjoyed it.