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From Paris, what's best order to visit Lyon, Avignon, Nice (and French Riviera)?

Looking for your expertise. I'm spending 14 days in France in late December. I'm starting and ending in Paris. In between, I want to visit Lyon, Avignon, and Nice (and a couple other small towns in the French Riviera)--all chosen because they're good winter destinations. I won't have a car, doing trains or buses. So, do you think it's better to go from Paris straight to the French Riveria first (by train) and then head back up to Avignon and then Lyon on the way back to Paris? Or is it better to go from north to south: Lyon, Avignon, Nice (and French Riviera) and then train back from Nice to Paris? Not sure if there are time savers doing the trip one way or the other. Another factor is Christmas Eve and Christmas in the middle of the trip. Would appreciate expertise on this. Thank you.

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1126 posts

I would go from the south to the north to end up closer to my departure city (Paris?). Nice, then Avignon, then Lyon, then Paris. That being said, you have 14 days (13 nights?) and four locations. Even with short(ish) travel between locations, you are spending a lot of your limited time travelling. Maybe skip the Riviera (Nice), and explore some of the area around Avignon, beautiful Provence, instead. E.g., go from Paris first day directly to Lyon. Stay 4 nights (day 1-4), then Avignon 4 nights (day 5-8), then back to Paris for the remainder of your trip 5 nights (day9-14). Day 14, if your last day, will be taken up with getting to airport, etc. Or flip, Avignon first, then Lyon, then Paris. Both Avignon and Lyon have high speed trains to/from Paris. Nice is somewhat less convenient.

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8439 posts

Go to your furthest point on arrival day. If your plane is in the morning, fly on to Nice that day. And then work your way back so you are in Paris for your final few days. That first day is a miserable jet lagged day -- use it for logistics and then your second to last day of prime vacation time is not spend rushing back to Paris for your flight home the next day.

fly to Nice -- do riviera and Avignon, then Lyon, then Paris

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10510 posts

Yes, go to Nice first. Then work your way back up. Avignon won't have a lot going on this time of year, and many of the villages are fairly closed up until April. Major sites in Lyon will be open but you'll need reservations for restaurants. Both towns will be a bit gray in December. Nice is good for Christmas and Paris for New Year's. Be sure you have restaurant reservations for both.

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3876 posts

I agree with going to Nice first and I would drop Avignon. I too think that you have too many stops for the number of days of your trip.