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French toll road pass


I will be traveling for approximately a 10-day period on the French Autoroute and for a much shorter time on the Spanish Autopista. As they are mostly toll roads, I am exploring the use of a toll road pass (e.g., called E-Z Pass where I live in the New York area).

Has anyone done this on a temporary basis? Are there any issues with rental cars doing this? I've contacted mine, but the response wasn't clear.

Or is it just as easy or easier to use a credit card or Euros when paying at a toll booth?


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16895 posts

French toll booths don't take credit cards unless they are the Chip-and-PIN variety. It's safer and easier to plan to pay with cash. Hang onto smaller bills and change as you travel. (This is not as big a deal in France as in Italy, but I'd rather not have just 50-euro notes in my wallet.) At the pay station, look for a lane that is not reserved for passes or reserved for credit cards.

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10891 posts

We have the French equivalent to an E-Z pass. It's called a Liberte, and you can get it at the first toll plaza you come to. You need to park and go inside the building. Ours is linked to our American Express card because many years ago when we got it our Visa card didn't register in the system, but our Amex did. They said something about Amex being an owner, etc. It's at least five years later, so maybe a Visa card will work in their system.

We keep the Liberte with our other travel paraphernalia and take it along each summer. We don't attach it to the windshield but hold it up to the windshield at toll plazas and keep it with us when the car is parked. Everyone is advised to remove it from the windshield when parked because they aren't permanently attached and can be stolen out of a car.

It makes a huge difference getting through because sometimes the credit card and cash lines can back up pretty far. The T-lanes are numerous and always clear. The total appears on the Amex each month, but you can verify the amount on the Liberte website. There's a small charge, around 3 euro, for each month you use it. It works on all toll roads in France, no matter who owns or runs it. Another regular around here, Nigel (who seems to have disappeared for the moment) uses it the same way we do--his wife holds it up to the windshield while he buzzes them through.

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811 posts

We used euros on our trip last October. It's helpful that the machines do make change, as long as the bill isn't too big; we used 20 euro bills for toll charges in the 12-15 euro range.

I had gotten a Chip&Pin MasterCard specifically for this trip, but the highways we used in the Loire had the MasterCard and Visa logos Xed out on the toll machines, and I was unable to use the card. Annoying. But cash worked fine, and the lines weren't bad during our travels.

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136 posts

Thanks Kathleen. I'm hoping that traveling in late March and the first week or two of April won't be too bad in terms of traffic. Although ... I don't know when schools are out in NE Spain and southern France. Anyone know?

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1720 posts

I have one of the Liber-T badges on my car, quite useful with a British or Irish spec car. I got it through but this is open to UK residents only.

It might be worth looking at the websites of some of the autoroute companies, some do issue them directly to foreign residents and you might be able to get one that way. From memory ATMB and Vinci autoroutes deal with non French residents, SANEF through its subsidiary in the UK of Saneftolling. Not sure of APRR or the others.

There is also a German based company that rents them out, it has a high monthly fee/deposit, and may not send them outwith the EU.