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French School Holidays Oct 19-Nov 4, 2024

Should we expect larger than normal crowds at Paris major attractions during this time?

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698 posts

We were in Paris in April, and were staying across a very narrow one way street from a public school in St Germain. Since we were there Friday though Tuesday, I figured we would be generally fine, but assumed we'd need to walk down the street to get a cab to the train station upon departure, as it likely conflicted with school arrival time. Upon check in, we were told that we were in luck, that it was spring break! So for us, it was a win! And Paris certainly was crowded, but with tourists! After France we went to Belgium and Netherlands; and their students were not on holiday; so we saw many children on class fieldtrips.

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251 posts

I always go to Europe, mainly France, OK usually Paris in November as it is my birthday month. Paris generally overflowing and inundated with families. I remember going to the Lourve and usually packed with school trippers but packed with families. Don't know which is worse. I now plan accordingly.

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2642 posts

Maybe at Disney or Parc Astérix, but families do not come to Paris for school holidays.

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10486 posts

Parents don’t bring the kids, but grandparents do and so do camps that watch the kids during holidays. Either the kids are shipped to Paris if the grandparents live there, or grandparents who live in the provinces go to Paris for childcare duties, if that’s where the grandkids live. There are a lot of activities going on at the museums and other places at this time.
No, not necessarily larger because Paris has crowds no matter what.

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99 posts

A couple of years ago, we were in Paris and Avignon from around Oct 25th-Nov 2nd or 3rd. This period was over a major holiday and vacation (All Souls Day) and Paris tourist sights were very crowded. The Eiffel was jammed.
My understanding is that during this holiday families visit their ancestral towns and villages to pay respects, and therefore the trains and stations were also jam packed on our way to Avignon.
Just something to be aware of and it may not affect your visit at all.