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Frecciarossa vs InOui for travel from Lyon to Paris

We are planning to travel mid-day October 21 from Lyon to Paris. The Frecciarossa train comes up on the RS RaiEurope site for significantly less than the cost of the InOui, and takes the same amount of time. Any advice on making our choice? Both are flexible or semiflexible. Frecciarossa offers a silent car, which sounds like an option.

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20378 posts

It looks like Trenitalia has extended its Milan to Lyon service on to Paris. So you can take the Frecciarosso train from Lyon to Paris. If it costs less, why not?

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9813 posts

Frecciarossa is a fine option. The Milan-Paris line that they run (of which Lyon-Paris is a segment) made them the first foreign train operator to operate in France.

In other words, it’s one of the very few lines in France where there is competition between two companies.

*As an aside, you can’t currently go on the regular line from Paris to Milan on either SNCF or Frecciarossa due to a rockslide that occurred this summer that has closed the line near Modane. But that is or no consequence for your planned voyage. Just wanted to highlight it for anyone else reading this thread in case they aren’t aware. Sorry if I am confusing things by mentioning it.

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10321 posts

The Italian trains are running only two trains a day between Lyon and Paris according to the news, but you'd need to look at the TrenItalia schedule and see if the two trains are posted correctly. The problem is that since the tunnel that the trains take to reach Italy is now blocked, TrenItalia cancelled all but two Lyon-Paris trains a day. But they didn't tell the passengers. No emails, no announcement. So individuals and families have been arriving at the Lyon station and finding their train to Paris is cancelled. This is definitely a case where you should not use a reseller but should buy directly from the company. Check both companies directly---but SNCF schedule will be accurate for sure. Check TrenItalia carefully. Again don't use a reseller for this particular segment.

This is getting late to be buying tickets. October 21st is a very heavy traffic day--first day of fall school vacation for all of France, and it lasts until November 6. A lot of families will be traveling, in addition to the usual weekend travelers. Buy now! I'm traveling then and had to scramble for my seat.

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6366 posts

Well, darn. We’re traveling Lyon - Paris this coming weekend, and it never occurred to me to check Frecciarossa.

Barbara N, we took the so-called “silent car” in Italy last year, and the noise level was equivalent to any other train car. I remember grumbling about it; quietly, of course.

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6602 posts

The Frecciarossa is a good option, no doubt about that. But there is a slightly higher risk, as it will be easier to be rebooked if SNCF cancels a train.

Whichever option you choose, make sure you book a ticket from one of the stations in central Lyon, Perrache or Part Dieu.

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763 posts

Thank you all! I decided it was safer to book through sncf, even though it cost more, for the peace of mind if we need to make any changes.