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France travel safety and best places to visit

We are signed up for a Rick Steves Paris tour and want to travel beyond Paris ourselves. How safe is it and what additional 2-3 France areas would be great and easy to get to? We plan to see Normandy after the tour.

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698 posts

We always feel totally safe in Paris and Normandy. We've been to Paris several times, most recently in April and we've never felt safer and the city was sparkling! Normandy is fabulous. Quaint, charming, beautiful.

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1009 posts

I much prefer traveling in France, including major cities such as Paris, to traveling in the US. Generally, I am a solo female traveler.

Did you have specific safety concerns? Take normal precautions against pick pocketing - cross body bag, money belt, awareness, phone bandelier can be quite helpful, plan your route before taking off to minimize time spent at metros looking at boards and signs, if uncomfortable- walk away. There are some scams in Paris metros and tourist sites you can google, but just ignore them. Don’t engage with anyone who wants to “help”. “Street smarts” that you would use on the US should be used.

Normandy, Loire, Brittany are great suggestions. Paris day trips to Giverny, Chantilly, Fountainebleau, Versailles - google other possibilities.

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8411 posts

This is such an 'American' question. France is much safer than the US for travel; there is very little violent crime. The big risk is pickpockets which is not a safety issue but darned annoying. It is easy to prevent by not keeping valuables in pockets, by not leaving phones sitting on tables (I use a bandolier cross body carrie rfor me phone and never worry about it) and during the day only carrying one card and limited cash (well stowed). Paris would be a great base for day trips e.g. Reims, Giverny, Maintenon, Provins, Versailles, Crecy la Chapelle -- dance on a Sunday afternoon at a Guinguette on the Marne or Seine. Here is just one example:

And for other areas of France -- well a dozen to choose from -- more ---

Strasbourg is a good base for Alsace; we have spent a few days in Annecy and did a day trip to Chamonix from there
Brittany is fabulous; we based in st. Malo and used public transport for the region
Our favorite area is the Dordogne. You really need a car and 4 or 5 nights there.
Burgundy is beautiful.
So stow your valuables in the hotel safe, keep the rest in cross body purse or neck wallet for guys under the shirt and explore Paris and environs. And pick an area or two to try out. You can do much by public transport -- Burgundy and the Dordogne and Provence all really need a car -- but we did fine in Alsace, Brittany, and Normandy without.

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651 posts

Last May, in addition to Paris, we spent several days in Le Havre and Caen. My partner had some walking issues so I explored both towns by myself. It was completely fine:)

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821 posts

As others have said, France is very safe. In addition to Paris and Normandy, we have enjoyed Alsace (based on Strasbourg), the Dordogne, Provence, and Nice. Have a great trip!

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23 posts

I have always felt very safe in Europe. I did have my phone pickpocketed on the subway in Paris last fall. Just watch your things, keep items zipped up and be aware (I let my guard down.) Have a great trip!!

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14482 posts

How much time do you have after the tour? That might dictate where I would recommend!

BTW, the Paris tour is excellent. It will make you so comfortable getting around Paris and feeling very comfortable in this wonderful location!