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France - Toll roads

Where can I find information about which routes and roads in France are toll roads?

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2261 posts

Hi Doug, I'm pretty certain that the Michelin Maps show toll roads and plazas on them, confirm before you buy-it's a good thing to have even if you plan on running gps when there, they are great maps. Google Maps or your brought from home Garmin etc device may show as well. As for car rental gps, that is a question mark.

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1646 posts

If you can find a road map of France that does not highlight them, I would be extremely surprised. On the ground the signs to them will have the word 'Peage' in a box.

Generally the rule of thumb in France is that a rural autoroute (indicated by the letter A before its number) is usually tolled. There are exceptions, away from the cities, expect them to have tolls.

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10209 posts

Autoroute signs are dark blue, while highway signs are green.

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8889 posts

Just to clarify, all autoroutes have numbers beginning with "A", and all have the European standard signage, in blue.
But, not all autoroutes have tolls. The long distance cross-country ones do, but around big cities and in a few other areas they are free. The tolls start about 30-50 Km from the big cities, less distance from smaller cities.

This map (its the best one I could find) shows tolled autoroutes in brown, non-toll autoroutes in thick green. Thin green are dual carriageways, these are not autoroutes they are part of the normal road network (numbers beginning with "N") and are also free.

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1005 posts

And all roads are free in Brittany, due to the marriage contract between Anne de Bretagne and Charles VIII in 1491. Despite the revolution, Napoleon, five republics, etc., this proviso is still in force.