Does anyone have a resource for a France road sign cheat sheet that has been translated to English? We want to keep a printed copy in our rental car for easier reference vs our phones. We just need about a dozen basics.
France is part of the EU which has universal road signs throughout Europe.
European road signs( google and look in last chapter of RS guide books to see the chart.)
Did you look at this website
The one you will need to pay most attention to is this one:
Vraiment JoLui!
Thank you everyone! Did not know about the radar one.
International road signs and symbols were in existence long before the emergence of the EU. By the late 1960s the countries in western and central Europe were using these international signs and symbols regardless of the local language. I saw them first over there in 1971.
The nice thing about some signs is that they don't need translators. Like this one.
The only thing you will find that's novel and confusing is the red + on some traffic lights. It's always on the pole across the intersection from you, and it indicates that the traffic oncoming has a red light.
No photo or link because it's a well kept secret designed to confuse foreigners
JoLui… this is hysterical! 😂😂😂
JoLui - Holy Crap!!! I've never seen that one. Not driving related but I did once see a sign in the bathroom at Orly airport reminding people not to drink from the toilet.
I know of a motorway in Kent where that sign is needed.