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France Removes Requirement for Vaxxed Visitors to Provide Neg Test Before Boarding - as of 2/12!

The PM issued a communique late this evening France time, noting that as of tomorrow (that is, Feb 12), France will no longer require fully vaccinated travelers to France to provide a negative Covid test as** a condition for entry**.

Here’s a news flash reference from Le Figaro:

and here’s the official word on the Ministry of Interior website

Here’s a copy/paste of the official text:

Ainsi, à compter du 12 février 2022, les règles suivantes s’appliqueront aux frontières :

Pour les voyageurs vaccinés au sens de la réglementation européenne, plus aucun test ne sera exigé au départ. La preuve d’un schéma vaccinal complet redevient suffisante pour arriver en France, quel que soit le pays de provenance, comme c’était le cas avant la diffusion du variant Omicron.

Pour les voyageurs non vaccinés, l’obligation de présenter un test négatif pour se rendre en France demeure, mais les mesures à l’arrivée (test, isolement) sont levées lorsqu’ils viennent de pays de la liste « verte », caractérisée par une circulation modérée du virus.

Lorsque les voyageurs non vaccinés viennent d’un pays de la liste « orange », ils devront continuer de présenter un motif impérieux justifiant la nécessité de leur venue en France métropolitaine et pourront toujours être soumis à un test aléatoire à leur arrivée. Les voyageurs qui seraient testés positifs devront s’isoler, conformément aux recommandations de l’Assurance maladie.

I’ll update the other thread. I’m pretty surprised by seeing this on a Friday night.

Make sure you meet the French definition of fully vaccinated, or you’ll still need a test.

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10432 posts

Here’s my rough translation of the above paragraphs (they don’t seem to have it up in English yet, I’ll remove this once they have posted it on their official site):

Therefore, as of February 12, 2022, the following rules will apply at borders:

For travelers vaccinated in the sense of the European rules, there will no longer be any test required before their departure. The proof of a completed vaccine scheme will once again become sufficient for arriving in France, no matter what country you’re coming from, as was the case before the spreading of the Omicron variant.

For non-vaccinated travelers, the requirement to present a negative test before coming to France remains, but the measures upon arrival (test, isolation) are lifted if you are coming from a “green” country.

When non-vaccinated travelers come from an “orange” country, they still must present a “motif imperieux” justifying the necessity of their trip to continental France and can still be subject to random testing upon their arrival. Travelers who test positive must self-isolate, in accordance with the recommendations of health authorities.

(My note: U.S., Canada, and UK are all currently orange)

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8715 posts

So pleased. Finding this was a real hassle for our upcoming trip. Thanks for getting it out there

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1324 posts

Thank you Kim!
A friend just told me this but didn't provide a citation so I was hesitant to believe it.
I know that things can change in the next 5 weeks, but I'll keep my fingers crossed!

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2092 posts

Kim, thank you so much for keeping us accurately informed and up-to-date.

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9436 posts

What Darcy said, thanks so much Kim.

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15011 posts

2 nd vote for “what Darcy said, lol!!

And YEA!! I’d been sweating how to get a test for a trip in April because they are just not readily available in a timely manner where I live. This really lifts a burden.

Thanks so much Kim!

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15011 posts

Thought I would give this a boot back to the top of the "All Topics" page for the weekend readers!