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Posted by
569 posts

Forewarned is forearmed. I have no more information other than what is in this paper. Hopefully some of the Paris resident posters will weight in.

Posted by
2092 posts

Kateja, thank you so much for this info. This will help me re-arrange a trip I'm planning for friends. You have saved the day!

Posted by
276 posts

I really don't understand the point of striking. Do they gain much? I'd think with the dates posted the rail companies would be able to hire replacement workers.

Posted by
16388 posts

I'd think with the dates posted the rail companies would be able to
hire replacement workers.

No point in striking if the trains still run? Causing Inconvenience is a way the workers hope to gain attention/desired action regarding their issues. I also don't think many qualified individuals would be willing to temporarily hire on as 'scabs.'

Just a little background:

My sympathies to both citizens and travelers who will be dealing with this potential hairball, though!

Posted by
95 posts

Does the "rail" strike affect the OUI Bus system - or is just trains?

Posted by
59 posts

I am traveling on a couple of affected dates in June. If I change reservation to travel on a date that is not a "strike date", can I count on trains and flights to work normally? This is my first visit to France, so I am not really sure what to expect. Any tips would be appreciated.

Posted by
776 posts

Chances that this strike would last into June are minimal, but who knows. Obviously you'd be wise to plan your travel on non-strike days. One effect of the strikes is that the trains will not be where they're supposed to be on non-strike days.

"can I count on trains and flights to work normally" This is crystal ball territory. All anyone can do is keep one's self informed as the strike progresses