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France Maps - metro and buses

I want a collection of Paris metro maps and or Paris/France bus maps.
I know I can print them from websites but was wondering if anyone knew of a booklet or a collection of already printed out maps.


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2349 posts

Do they need to be current? If not, check your local used book stores. And if you find a stack of old National Geographics, grab a chair and spend some time. They often have big folded maps inside.

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776 posts

Depends on your purpose. For carrying around and ready reference the standard has been a booklet available widely "Paris 3 Plans par Arrondissement." The three plans are street, metro and bus.

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6287 posts

Not quite sure what you are looking for but the "Eyewitness" guide books contain a lot of very details maps. I know there is one for France, and I'm pretty sure there is one for Paris.

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784 posts

Have you checked Amazon? They have lots of Paris related bus and Metro maps as well as street maps. I like the booklet Paris Bus 109 Lines by L'indespensible. I bought mine from a newstand in Paris, but Amazon might have it. Each bus line is on a 2 page street map. L'indespensible also publishes a booklet of street maps Par Arrondissement. One version has bus and Metro maps that overlay the street maps. One map I find to be "indespensible" is the Plan Deux map available for free at Metro stations. It has bus lines on one side and Metro on the other. It is a large map, so it is easy to read. I find it useful for route planning. I'm old-fashioned and still prefer paper maps over apps.

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1213 posts

Personally I load all bus and Metro maps as PDFs into iBooks so they're on my phone. I also load specific bus routes that I think I'll take as PDFs on my phone, and I download Google Maps for Paris onto my phone so I don't need Internet or data.

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14780 posts


I would wait until I am in Paris, go to a train station, Gare de Lyon, Est or Nord etc and check out the "Relay" book/magazine shops...good choices of various maps available there.

Or, even a book shop located in the centre ville of a town, check their city maps and travel section.

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10516 posts

The most extensive map collection in a Paris bookstore is at Gilbert Jeune at 4 Place St Michel, metro and RER St Michel.

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1175 posts

Another vote for "Paris 3 Plans per Arondissment". We use it as an additional source for Google maps on our phones and study it before we head out each day. We learn something new from it each day.