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Forms to enter France from US?

Hello all,
I've read that the airline employees will give you a entry/locator form while on the flight heading into France. My question is, do I need to fill out any other forms or do anything else online? I am aware the vaccine pass has ended.

The last time I posted this question I got a really odd response from someone who did not answer my additional questions. It sounded like I had to register online in advance or something? I have not been asked for anything from my airline (Air Canada).

Anyone recently enter France have any info? Thanks in advance for all your help!

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216 posts

I leave Tuesday. As of now, just the Locator Form (Which I filled out already online, saved as PDF, and printed). For Delta Flights, visit Delta FlyReady, and it will walk you through what you need. But essentially, your passport, CDC Card, and locator form.


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17 posts

Hi there Glenn,
How/where did you print that form? I tried to fill out the non-EU form and it would not accept a US phone number (US wasn't even on their list). I know the US is labeled green right now but I don't think I would be doing the EU one right? Thanks for your help by the way.

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54 posts

I completed my form here:

May or may not be what you've tried. But it worked for me.
For a US phone number, I just typed "+1" then area code and phone number and it worked. (No spaces, hyphens or parentheses).

I believe this is the form with an option for SSN; no thanks. I skipped that and it worked fine.

PDF is printed AND downloaded/saved and uploaded to FlyReady. One form covered husband and wife.

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17 posts

Thank you for your help, see I thought since I am not an EU citizen, this was not the right form. Thanks for letting me know it worked for you!

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257 posts

didan- how did you upload form to Delta Fly Ready? Did form, downloaded and printed out but I don’t see where you can upload it under Government documents.

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54 posts

Actually, you're right SDW. Now I think of it I didn't upload it. FlyReady sent me off to the link and I created an account and completed the form. When I went back to Delta I clicked the "I already did this" (paraphrase) button. Sorry about the confusion. This is all so different from pre-2020 travel.

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257 posts

Thank you. Thought I was missing something. I think I am just really overthinking all this. We leave in 14 days.

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656 posts

Thanks for all the information everyone. I just started to fill off the form, creating a password. Just to see how it worked. Then I saw a notice that one should only do this once! So now I don't know if I have a password or not and I'm thinking maybe I should just wait until closer to departure time (a few weeks) and see if I can do this via the airline (United). Does anyone have any thoughts on this?