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For my Luddite Travelers

I’m the one who asked transport between CDG and Tuileries.
Here’s info for my Luddite travel cohorts - the other 90% of you - take a nap or enjoy a chocolate donut...

Download Rome2rio app.
Choose your “from” and “to”
Example: CDG to Tuileries
The app will show ALL options.
For me, it recommended RER train to Chatelet then 20 minute walk. (Other options but this was my choice - I’m a hiker).
THEN: take a “screen shot” of the Rome2rio screen, save it in your photos, and just pull up this one reminder when you arrive. Easy.
(If you don’t know how to take a screen shot, grab a 10-year-old on the sidewalk and ask ...)
This is a game changer for me.
Leaving Friday for Paris -
on a Boeing 777 NOT a Boeing 737 Max 8 ....

Posted by
17603 posts

Good advice, especially the screenshot. But a true Luddite would not use an app . . . Or a smartphone for that matter.

Posted by
16879 posts

But a true Luddite would not use an app . . . Or a smartphone for that

That would be me! Yep, still using paper maps and love 'em.
And we do not (yet) own Smart Phones!

Posted by
1289 posts

A real luddite would only have a suitcase full of clogs to throw into the machinery of industry.

But more seriously I only recently found Rome2Rio and it is great. I was using it to look at buses in Provence that only run later in the year so current results show no bus routes but they will be there in-season in June and July.

And when using Google maps (which has a really good public transportation tab display) remember that it is in real time for wherever you're searching so if you don't see any busses remember it may be 2:00am there when you're searching.

Also is great English site for train tickets across Europe and works better than some of the official websites and charges the same prices. (I'm looking at you Renfe.)

Probably repeating what everyone knows but Rome2rio would have been new to me a few weeks ago!

Happy planning everyone!

Posted by
23722 posts

It is amazing that some of us actually made it to and from Europe forty years ago with no problems. The only adjustment we have made (because our sons insisted on it) is to carry an ipad and check email in the evening.

Posted by
4657 posts

I reference Rome2Rio every chance I get - for first layer research. For research you want to know what is happening some months away so schedules and pricing wasn't perfect but you could find out who provided services of choice and double check there.
I appreciate this thread, as it looks like for 'real time' it is a better resource - in app form. Good to know. Thanks.
(since I am a partial Luddite, I am sure I would look beforehand and transfer the details to a piece of paper, or use one of numerous coloured highlighters and mark the route on a paper map.)

Posted by
9436 posts

Using GoogleMaps or Rome2Rio makes traveling so much easier and faster. I can get around Europe on my own, but when i started using GoogleMaps a few years ago it was amazing. It’s also indispensible for me here in my daily life.

People managed without a lot of things before they were discovered or invented, but tools can make life easier.

Is Rome2Rio better than, or the same as, GoogleMaps?

Posted by
828 posts

I use for navigation - works offline, and gives amazing level of detail (such as where the next bench, water fountain or trashcan is), and "metro 01" for the trains. Yes, it's two apps, but theyre very light, and both work offline.

Posted by
171 posts

I am all about my phone and electronic devices, but I sometimes think the old days were better. Forty years ago I just bought the plane ticket and the rail pass and flew to Europe. At each town we’d go to the AYF youth hostel, or go to Tourist info and they’d hook us up with a place to stay, In a couple towns, Salzburg for example, a woman walked up to us in the station and rounded up Americans and took us to her guesthouse. I spent 0 time planning. I did buy a Let’s Go.

I suppose I could do the same today? It would involve giving up control, though.

Posted by
828 posts

I hear you Mary - I first trvelled in Europe in 1977. Independent at the age of 17, for 3 months I just went wherever I felt like going next, with no plan or accommodation booked. Have to admit, though, that I missed many things I had been virtually standing next to, but didn't know about.

These days I use aps and offline maps just to make life easier, but it does mean that I hardly ever talk to anyone else, because I dont have to. Which is a pity.

Posted by
28789 posts

Please, please, please be careful using Rome2Rio. It's often my first stop to see what form of transportation I need to get from A to B, but I've found the travel times, frequencies and fares are often way off base. You really need to dig down and find the name of the rail and bus companies providing service and go to their websites to get accurate schedule and fare information.

If I already know I'm going to need to depend on a bus, I usually just Google bus CityA to CityB.

I have never tried to use Rome2Rio for travel around one city, so I don't know how well that works. I'd prefer to use an app or website belonging to the local transit authority, though.

Speaking of luddite, I have no idea how to save a screen shot on my smartphone. I suppose I could Google that...

Posted by
2783 posts

For Paris travel, I strongly recommend Citimapper which I have found to be superior even to the RATP´s own app.

Googlemaps is fine for walking around but for public transportation, googlemaps has many drawbacks, accuracy being one of the more noticeable deficiencies.

Posted by
9436 posts

acraven, a screen shot goes automatically to your photos. You don’t have to do anything to save it.

Posted by
9436 posts

Tocard, i have been using GoogleMaps for public transportation in Paris for years with zero problems.

Posted by
776 posts

"I have never tried to use Rome2Rio for travel around one city, so I don't know how well that works."

For fun on a dull today I tried point to point addresses in Paris. Some were good, some not so. Many metro changes were made in the gares and Chatelet which sane people try to avoid. RERs were also widely used when a metro would handle the situation nicely. Bus transfers I tried were missed completely.

Posted by
15233 posts

Google maps, apps, a smart phone.... I don't use any of them traveling in Europe, especially in Germany, when I am doing solo traveling.

With the Mrs. it's a different story when traveling with her, she uses the Smartphone.

If it weren't for the insistence of the Mrs, I would dispense with carrying my flip cell phone in Europe...a nuisance.. when out and about.

Posted by
28789 posts

Let me re-phrase: As a Luddite, I don't know how to take a screen shot on my smartphone.

Posted by
9436 posts

acraven, on an iPhone you push the power off button and at the same time push the home button.

Posted by
28789 posts

Alas, I have an Android phone. Guess I'll have to resort to Google! Google knows all.

Scythian, thanks for mentioning the connection between and I've noted positive comments about both of them on the forum and was considering switching from CityMaps2GoPro. Now I have more reason to do so.

Posted by
9436 posts

acraven, it’s true, Google does know all... 😂

Posted by
11525 posts

Gosh I guess we are true ludittes - we don’t use any apps lol

In Paris I just google for a metro map , look at it , and take those trains , I can figure out easily enough how to get from point a to b that way .

Posted by
5697 posts

Google says -- for Android press power button and "home" button at the same time. I did a screenshot of that for when I forget it again.

Posted by
15233 posts

@ angelina521....Count me in as one of those Luddite travelers when I am traveling solo, especially in Germany.