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1121 posts

Are you asking for favorite hotels, restaurants, activities. walks, nearby towns? Have you checked out any guidebooks?

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1946 posts

The Marc Chagall museum was breathtaking. I wanted to go to the Matisse museum, but it was closed preparing for an exhibit. I loved walking the promenade next to the beach, but watch out for skaters & scooters as they whiz by. I got covid at the end of my time there, but was also able to visit the Russian Orthodox cathedral which is lovely.

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291 posts

I never had Nice on my list until I was offered a free place to stay. Fabulous! The bus ride between Nice and Monte Carlo was incredible. And I think it was like €2. We liked the aquarium (where Cousteau used to work!) and the Prince's car museum in Monte Carlo. But I was traveling with a 12yoa boy. When I was there with my mom, we got dressed up and went to the Casino. For about 15 minutes. Colline de Chateau and the Promenade du Paillon were both great. Second the Chagall Museum. Make sure to try socca in the least touristy place you can find (I did not succeed at this but did enjoy my meal at a pretty touristy place).

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2 posts

Thanks so much for the replies!

Booked a week lodging at The Fairmont Hotel; and would love to hear about any of “the locals” favorites that may have been discovered by some of this Forum’s travelers.