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Finding a Doctor/ Healthcare Provider in France for Recovery Certificate

I want to thank everyone again for your help and kindness! I am now home and want to share with you my process in case in can help anyone else.

I was finally able to fly home after the 10th day of when my symptoms started. This timeline also worked out for the necessary isolation period in France (7 days) and the US (5 days). I was still testing positive so I needed a certificate of recovery to come home. I was able to get one through MobiDoctor, and they were very helpful, I highly recommend them. They gave me a proper certificate with Passport info, name, birthday, and the history of my symptoms all on a required letter head with contact information for the doctor. I brought the certificate when I checked in for my flight and they looked to make sure that I was 10 days after the start of symptoms and fulfilled isolation requirements and I was on my way.

Here are some tips and things that I learned during this process:
- Having brand loyalty to a hotel and travel points was incredibly helpful. My husband and I are big points people and it was a lifesaver (and budget saver) to be able to have points I was able to use for my extra time. A small silver lining in this too was that I received more hotel points as I stayed longer so if you are loyal to a hotel chain/ have points, make a back up plan before you go of where you might stay should this happen to you.
- Talk to you PCP beforehand. I recently moved and don't have a PCP in my new area yet, but it seems like a lot of people have had luck getting a certificate from their PCP in the states. Note: You might not be able to use telehealth services while abroad, my insurance did not allow it, so I did use Doctolib (French scheduling for telehealth) for an appointment.
- Pack some emed tests and cold medicine before you go. We always pack a small pharmacy and with my really mild symptoms for those couple of days, it was great to already have.
- If you are positive on a lateral flow test/ rapid test take a picture of the test if it is not a proctored test to show the date of positivity. They might ask for this during a telehealth appointment.

Thank you all again for your help! Despite testing positive, we had an incredible vacation and I would not allow this to stop you from traveling abroad.

Hello Everyone,
I am currently in Paris after testing positive for COVID and unable to make my flight home. I am trying to get information on who to talk to regarding a recovery certificate now that I am after the French isolation period have no symptoms, though I am still testing positive on rapid test. I tried Doctolib, but it doesn't seem to accept me as a patient. Has anyone else had a situation like this? I appreciate any and all information.

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247 posts

Sorry to hear your trouble. Can you get a letter from your US doctor? Someone in Italy had a problem he got a recovery letter from the US doctor by talking to them on video/phone and United accepted it for flight back (cannot find that post but there is couple of previous posts on this topic in the forum)

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4 posts

Thank you so much, Shaun. I will reach out to my US doctor again, I had gotten some mixed information regarding telehealth appointments with US doctors abroad and will also look for other's posts to these situations. Thank you so much for your help and answer, it has made me feel a lot better!

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4 posts

Hi Carol and Nigel! Thank you both for your response.

A little update. I'm now able to use Doctolib which is great news. I have asked my hotel but they have been looking into it for two days now so unfortunately that hasn't been super helpful and I will also check out the quickmd. Thank you both so much!

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8281 posts

If you don't mind, more information may be valuable for the rest of us; you tested positive some time ago initially, was that through a clinic/pharmacy? or by self-test? The rapid tests since recovery, were those by Clinic/Pharmacy, or self-test?

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2748 posts

Doctolib is only a scheduler, anyone may use the free service.

I should think that as soon as you have a negative Antigen test that you could schedule an appointment with any doctor, should cost about 30 euors, and obtain a recovery certificate. You might also be able to get a certificate from SOS Medicine which will send a doctor to your hotel room for under 100 euros:

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2768 posts

My husband used this telehealth service in Portugal for a not-covid issue to talk with a doctor online and get a prescription and it worked well. Its in multiple countries. The website says something about covid letters, so might be helpful.

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8723 posts

Tocard -- they may not have a negative test for weeks. You can get a certificate 10 days after testing positive even if you still test positive -- they substitute for a negative test for immigration purposes. OP please report back how you managed this. And fie on the hotel for not being able to assist. One of the few reasons to book a hotel is that they supposedly provide assistance locally when needed. This is a predictable need that they should be on top of and should have a doctor on call to provide.

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10787 posts

French quarantine is 7 days. US is five.
You should make your Doctolib appt for day 8 after your positive test result and then you can fly out. This happened to us in November when it was a 10-day quarantine. Our French doctor wrote our letters for 25€. We each needed an appointment because my husband tested positive 5 days before I did. Be sure you bring the list of what needs to be included in the letter.

However, we just had a friend over at lunch today who tested positive 6 days ago. It wasn't a false-positive because he was in a group of 27 people for a large dinner; everyone tested positive a few days later. Yesterday, in order to come to the house here in France, he retested and was negative. So retest before you bother with a letter. Tons of triple-vaccinated people around me are getting tiny little cases right now. He tested negative quickly; you might, too.

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15022 posts

Bets, that is encouraging information.

DMpoist, so sorry to hear you tested positive.

Very good information on this thread.

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4 posts

Thank you all so much for all of your help and your kindness, too! I had a very sweet friend help me out, in addition to your notes as well and I feel so cared for. I will keep you all updated.

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20 posts

If it helps anyone, if you contact Kaiser's nurse line, they set you up with a letter within a day or so. They need all the details, when you tested positive, symptoms, etc. But otherwise, very easy.

Posted by
114 posts

nbal re: Kaiser, this is very interesting -- I am a Kaiser patient in Maryland. Have you done this yourself from France? What documentation do they provide that allows one to get on a flight back to the USA?

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54 posts

Thank you so much for the follow up dmarie. We go in a couple of weeks and I feel like I have everything buttoned down except what to do if …. I have all the legal sites bookmarked but sharing your practical real-life experience is very helpful. Best of luck.

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8723 posts

Glad to hear that the number of days required have dropped. We are about to set forth with a child who will fly back unaccompanied 10 days later and our biggest concern is that she tests positive and then what do we do -- She is triple vaxxed and we are quadruple vaxxed so hoping that is enough but breakthrough cases are common enough that everyone needs to know what to do.

I am still astounded that the hotel could not be helpful. The ONLY reason to stay in a hotel is that staff can be helpful and this is such a predictable need. I am surprised they don't have a doctor on call.

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8723 posts

Do you need an official pharmacy test to establish the time needed for quarantine. e.g. is it enough to have symptoms start on day X or a home test on day X? We are taking a few home tests just in case.

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15022 posts

Thank you so much for the update and for sharing what worked for you! I'm so happy things worked out for you and that you are back home.