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February 1, 2022 COVID requirement

Received an email from Air France:
“To be considered fully vaccinated, all customer, older than 18 years, must have received a booster dose with a RNA vaccine (Pfeizer or Moderna) no later than 9 months after the last dose of vaccine. Customers not meeting the above criteria, must follow the non vaccinated travel conditions.”
Ironically, if you had covid you only need one vaccine dose…

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5 posts

Me too! I was supposed to fly out on Monday but I am outside that window by 3 weeks. US booster authorization for the general public was recommended exactly 9 months 3 days after my last vaccine. 😳

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2808 posts

Here is the official source of this information:

I see nothing in the French version of the website that says one must receive the booster within a specific timeframe after the 2nd shot or lose all vaccination status. The way the English is worded, if your booster is received at 9 months and one day after the 2nd shot, you are no longer considered to be vaccinated at all for purposes of entering into France.

This is what the above document states in French, there is no mention of a 9-month mandatory window to qualify for booster status:

Je suis vacciné :

• Preuve d’une vaccination complète (vaccins reconnus
par l’EMA*)

• Pas de motif impérieux exigé (sous réserve des règles
supplémentaires en vigueur dans le pays de provenance**)

• Test RT-PCR ou antigénique négatif de moins de 48h
avant le départ

• Test antigénique à l’entrée sur le territoire métropolitain

• Non soumis à l’auto-isolement de 7 jours

This 9 month nuance could eliminate anyone's entering France directly from the USA unless these tight conditions are met. However, it would not preclude someone from entering France via some other EU country.

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5 posts

I offered a direct quote from this morning’s email from Air France. In a panic I contacted our nearest French Consulate and got this reply:

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: [email protected] [email protected]
Date: Wed, Feb 2, 2022 at 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: 2 Feb COVID info
To: Me

Even if your booster had been received 11 months after your Pfizer vaccine, this would not have mattered. What actually matters is that you received it before entering France. This 9-month rule implies that a booster is not even required at all if the dual vaccination has been completed less than 9 months ago.

This in response to my question regarding entry to France with a booster 9 months 3 weeks after my final vaccination.
So I am hopeful all authorities have this same understanding despite the wording. Wish me luck!

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28898 posts

I bet that gets changed soon--perhaps to say one must have had at least two vaccinations and the most recent must have been within 9 months. Though even that is questionable; as we know, Italy has gone there and is now realizing it will need to back off or else some of its own residents won't be eating in restaurants by mid-March.

I know last year there was some speculation by medical folks that boosters might be more effective if they were not rushed.

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15241 posts

Well, that is odd, lol! But good.