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Family travel during the Olympics summer?

My family is thinking about travel to France next summer 2024- a three generation group. I have family in Chevigny near Tours which I want our son and his family to meet. We had thought to spend our first days in Paris, train to Tours, then rent a car to visit family and then the Dordogne. But I’d forgotten about the Olympics. How much impact might they have on travel crowds and lodging throughout the country and the summer? We could land in Paris and head right out but our son and family have never been- and how does one even “head right out” and skip Paris.
We could skip next summer and do 2025, but no body’s getting any younger. I’m looking forward to your thoughts.

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147 posts

I intend to be in France in 24, avoiding the Olympics. Just stay away from Paris/Olympics in July/August and you should be ok. I would not expect hotel bargains in Paris but such is life.

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5091 posts

It's hard to imagine the impact of the Olympics on a city unless you've been there. For someone not participating or spectating, the crush of humanity inundating the city is, frankly, awful. There is a reason why those residents who can, leave until its over. Or hunker down as best they can. And don't forget that 5-6 other cities will be hosting events as well. Can you delay the trip until mid August, when it will all be over?