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Family First trip in 2020

Hi everyone!
I have a few questions. My family will be traveling to Paris in March 2020. We will have 4 1/2 days to see what we want. My parents bought us a travel pass that gives us access to all transportation but I think we will need a Paris Pass or something similar. What is a good company to get a pass through? We don’t need anything for the transportation so does a pass exist without that?
How soon do we need to get tickets for the Eiffel Tower and for touring Versailles? I want to get the most from Versailles and we will be traveling with a 9 year old.
If there are any Facebook groups I should join for families traveling to England and France please let me know! Thanks everyone.

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3122 posts

If you only have 4 1/2 days, you'll need to set priorities and map out the locations of your most-desired places. Otherwise you'll be frustrated trying to zoom around Paris without enough time to do justice to the places that most interest you.

Versailles with a 9-year-old, hmmm. I'd probably do the option where you enter via the gardens. You could rent a golf cart; they are pricey but really the most practical way to get around the vast gardens if you want to see all the places of interest. I believe you can rent a cart at the garden entrance and then drop it off near the palace. A child will probably find the gardens, Trianon etc. more interesting than the interior of the palace, so I'd say get the gardens out of your system first and then go inside. Also, the interior is less likely to be crammed shoulder-to-shoulder later in the day.

There's lots of information on the Versailles website about what there is to see and the different ways to tour.

Posted by
9 posts

Thanks for the reply. I’ve got a list and somewhat have mapped out our “priorities” but I’m wondering which pass (Paris Pass etc) would get is the most bang for our buck. I’ve downloaded the Versailles app and have been trying to wade through all the different tickets.

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126 posts

What day doyou arrive/leave? the navigo decouverte may be worth it for transportation if you arrive on a Monday or Tuesday.

I like the Museum Pass (not the Paris Pass. the PP is normally not worth it) but you can add up to see if that saves more money compared to buying individual tickets. Plus the MP has flexibility timed tickets do not.

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9 posts

We arrive in Paris late afternoon on March 23 and leave late afternoon on the 28th. We don’t need to worry about transportation as my parents have already bought each of us Paris Transport Travel Cards.
Why would the Paris Pass not be worth it? Just curious.

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2479 posts

I suspect the OP was gifted a Paris Visite card.
Isn't a Paris Pass transportation PLUS attractions? Rarely a good deal, and especially in this case.

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6439 posts

With any of the multi/museum passes you must do the homework to determine whether it is a good buy for you and your group's needs or not.
Go to the official site- check the list of what is included.
Pick the sights you want to visit- then add up what the actual costs of those sights would be without the Pass by going to each sights official website to get most up to date prices and entry info.

With just 4 days in Paris you likely do not have time and possibly not the desire to spend all of your time in museums. Not sure that would appeal to a 9 yr old.
We did use the PMP 10 years ago- but we were in Paris for 8 days with our art history doctoral student daughter- so museums were a priority. Really got our money's worth out of the pass then!
Be sure to check closing days for museums, check info on where you need a timed entry- it s been a while so I can't help with any of that.

Do yourself a favor and get the RS Paris guide book- it will be invaluable.
Here are some itinerary ideas as well:

Here are some links to help you get started:

Posted by
9 posts

Correct, we were gifted 4 Paris Visite passes. So I’m wondering if a pass for sights, museums and attractions exists without transportation. Or will we just have to buy individual tickets for everything? One thing I seemed to like about these attraction passes was the ability to skip lines. All though I know for the Eiffel Tower and Versailles we WILL have to purchase separate tickets as it seems those 2 attractions are not covered by any pass.

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9 posts

You are correct in thinking that with a 9 year old (and 12 year old) museums will not be a priority. I’d honestly skip the Louvre (my mother gasped in horror when I told her this). I bought the RS pocket Paris guide and have been highlighting and cross referencing like crazy. Thank you for sharing those links. I’ll check them out.

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6439 posts

Versailles is included in PMP
Eiffel is not
PMP does not include transportation pass- which you already have

Any ticket bought in advance will let you "skip the line" that is referring to the line to buy tickets on day of- but everyone must still go thru security.

I'm not sure what the process is now for Louvre, Eiffel etc. I believe you do need to book timed entry.
You do not need to buy the PMP ahead of time/online either -can just get it in Paris.

Paris for kids:

Posted by
6439 posts

I’d honestly skip the Louvre

LOL I hear you! We really enjoyed the Orsay, Cluny, Orangerie, Rodin a lot more. Left our daughter in Louvre- we went outside after seeing the major highlights and napped on the lawn.

Pick the museums that most interest YOU. There is no law that says everyone must go to the Louvre. You'd need months to see everything in there.

Posted by
8163 posts

We are taking our 10 year old Granddaughter for two weeks this spring. We will certainly not be skipping the Louvre but will be seeing the things she wants to see there because we have her planning her trip right now. The Louvre is full of things that are interesting to kids including the Assyrian Gate replicas and the Egyptian wing. But you have to base it on your own family interests. We take ours to the Art Institute in Chicago all the time, so she already has experience with a major museum and how to organize a visit that is interesting. I had a Louvre membership for years and will probably get one again for our trip as that will allow us to dip in and out for brief periods.
Consider St. Denis Basilical on the 13 Metro line -- the tombs of the Kings of France are pretty amazing.

And consider making a ritual of selecting pastries from nearby bakeries for afternoon snack -- kids get a kick out of being able to select from such largesse and learn the valuable lesson that the most beautiful things are not the most desirable.