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Europcar and departing Nice

Au revoir Nice, though I almost stayed, because I nearly didn't find my way out of town

The day began with a visit to the flower market, where one's senses are assailed simultaneously be the subtle fragrance and the riotous colors. The prices were so reasonable I wanted to buy several bouquets but I was afraid they'd wilt in the car. I'd planned to take the tram back to the hotel but they aren't running today due to a demonstration for or against something or other. I left my bag at the hotel and went to the train station to get the car.

The very friendly agent offered me an upgrade to a medium size automatic car for a " small"
additional fee. I said a small manual car was fine. After finishing the paperwork she said she didn't have any manual cars, so she's giving me an SUV type automatic. That must have been the car she tried to sell me an upgrade to. I finally figured out the basics of the car. There are lots of bells and whistles, all digital and in technical language vaguely reminiscent of French.

The next challenge was getting out of the parking lot from the 6th floor down a circular ramp about 50 cm wider than the car. After about 30 minutes ( or so it seemed ) I let out a great sigh of relief on seeing a straight street ahead. Then it was relatively easy to follow the map and make my way about 2-3 kms to the hotel zigzagging the one way streets. (the hotel was a 4 minute walk from the station)

I picked up my stuff and drove away from the center for a long way to find somewhere to pull over and figure out the car's GPS. I entered Vence and away I went. . . Only to end up 20 minutes later back on the road to Nice.

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I pulled into a gas station and got out my Garmin. At last I was on the right track. I even found my way to the center of Vence where I immediately ditched the car in what is undoubtedly the most expensive parking lot in town. Color me totally indifferent. I am in the main square ( or one that looks like it should be), had a lovely warm goat cheese salad and I'm drinking a well deserved aperol Spritz. I figure the effect should wear off long before I get back in the car

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Vence is wonderfully old. It's easy to see the ancient Roman roots of the medieval center, starting with France's smallest cathedral ( not normally a bragging point) with inscriptions in the outer stone walls that go back to when this was the site of a pagan temple. I spent a lot of time wandering through the picturesque and nearly deserted lanes and squares.

With an hour or so of daylight left it was time to leave for Saint Paul and my home for the next three nights. Garmin and I miscommunicated and I drove forever on narrow winding roads to ???? After a lot of cursing and frustrations I got back to the main square in Vence. The very helpful woman at the TI had drawn the way to St Paul on the map she'd given me in mindand I was able to follow it and got to my final destination for the day without further mishap.

When I got to the wall of the old city I called my host, he assured me that I was in exactly the right place and he opened the gate for me and directed me up to a parking place his son was guarding for me. Parking within the old city is a precious commodity. Luc, his son Michael, Michael's girlfriend Annabelle and Wooky went for a getting-to- know- you drink and then they helped me up the street with all my stuff to the apartment, recommending a restaurant for dinner (where I am now) and introducing me to the owner, so I'd get a better welcome.

The apartment is wonderful, Luc is charming and St Paul looks delightful, though it's dark out, so much is left to the imagination.