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Posted by
1226 posts

There are already at least 2 other threads discussing this. Please read them to understand the nuances of the above article.

Posted by
531 posts

Please direct me to the other threads….I am not aware of them.

Posted by
2743 posts

There has been a lot of speculation about what changes to entry requirements might be in the works. Many think that France/the EU will disallow unvaccinated tourists from the USA and other high infection rate countries. Others speculate that the new rules may be even more restrictive.

The announcement is scheduled to be made tomorrow, August 30th. Many people are concerned about how their future travel planes might be affected. We should know tomorrow.

Posted by
180 posts

Yes, lets all just chill for another 24 hours and see what news come out tomorrow. Many thanks to all on this forum that have helped me in planning for my first trip to Europe. Much appreciated.

Posted by
21023 posts

EU to Reimpose Entry Ban on Travelers From US & 5 Other Third
Countries on Monday, Sources Say

The very title says a lot about what is wrong with modern journalism; as the writer knows that the EU can not impose any bans.

If the EU recommendation says what is predicted then each member state will have to choose if they want to follow the recommendation or may just use the new information to reshape what they are currently doing

Each country has unique political and legal processes to change their rules, it will be interesting to see which countries act quick, and which take a while or do anything different at all.

It is impossible to predict the result of the change in recommendations; as example Croatia and Greece have generally be more open than EU recommendations while Hungary started more open to only become more closed than EU recommendations.

I have a trip to Hungary on 10 October but was wise enough to book on Turkish Air so not to have to worry about flight cancelations and so as to have the flexibility to re-route to Option B or C if necessary (do remember that only 27 countries of Europe's 50, more or less, countries are in the EU).

Posted by
2113 posts

Well, I’m in my living room and I believe many others are as well. The question was appropriate and politely framed. Your response is beyond rude. It is vulgar.

Posted by
4064 posts

I would take articles from the cite linked to above (schengenvisainfo) with a grain of salt because it is not an official site. I suggest that everyone take a deep breath and, if you can, wait for an announcement from official sources. I suggest getting your information from
Also, what James E said.

Posted by
16626 posts

Would you all please stop.....

1) The EU cannot put a travel ban on American tourists. All they can do is suggest. Each individual EU country makes its own rules in regard to Covid.

2) Amazingly, many articles reference the Reuters reporting on this subject but they leave out the fact that the "leaked" new rules pertained to UNVACCINATED Americans. Not vaccinated Americans. Read it yourself.

3) Why can't you just wait until Monday to find out what happens instead of believing every rumor you read.

(I edited this for simplicity.)

Addendum.....I'm sad to say even the Reuters article gets it wrong. It says the EU plans to reinstate.....they can't reinstate. Oy recommend.

Posted by
4064 posts

Frank II, I wish there was a like button on this site for your post.

Posted by
2743 posts

CaliMom´s link is indeed the latest information available. The EU has formally removed the US from their list of safe countries. Here is the NY Times link which basically states the same thing:

How member states will react to the EU recommendation is not yet clear.

Posted by
16626 posts

CaliMom´s link is indeed the latest information available. The EU has formally removed the US from their list of safe countries. Here is the NY Times link which basically states the same thing:

No, it does not say that. It is not an official announcement. And even if it does, no EU country has to follow their recommendations. It's sort of like the U.S. State Department putting a country at Level 4. No one will stop you from visiting. It's only a warning.

This article actually gets it right. It's not an official word just information of what might happen. Please don't read things into it. Take it for face value:

By the way, three weeks ago, newspapers reported the exact same thing that the EU was going to "restrict" Americans from entering. Nothing happened.

Posted by
1 posts

It appears that the EU's official decision is out.

Does this mean that vaccinated travelers are likely to be exempt? "Non-essential travel to the EU from countries or entities not listed in Annex I is subject to temporary travel restriction. This is without prejudice to the possibility for member states to lift the temporary restriction on non-essential travel to the EU for fully vaccinated travellers."

Now where do we find France's response?

Posted by
8 posts

Erica, I don't think France has made any official announcements yet as to how they're going to handle the EU recommendation. Italy has added a testing requirement for vaccinated travelers, and a quarantine requirement for un-vaccinated travelers, but France has been a lot more stringent with their restrictions all along, so we'll just have to wait and see what they decide to do in the next couple days. I'm really hoping they follow Italy's lead, but I'm not holding my breath given the numbers in the US right now.

Posted by
33 posts

I just checked out the CDG-Airport website for current entry process and it still shows that entry from GREEN country to France for Vaccinated is the same as for ORANGE country... it only added the 7-day quarantine for UN-VAX'd travelers from Orange Risk... so that would suggest that even if USA is dropped to Orange (from Green) - that they would still let CDC vaccinated card holding folks in.

Posted by
260 posts

Has anyone heard any New France travel updates for entry from the US or from another EU country as a US citizen since the EU removed the USA from the safe list.

Posted by
10428 posts

Nope. Rules remain the same for entry by Americans to France. No change.

Posted by
260 posts

Perfect thanks Kim. Would you recommend having to take a test 3 days before arrival? Only ask as we are flying from Naples Italy to Paris on Oct 15th. No big deal to get one just want a smooth process.

Posted by
10428 posts

It depends if you are vaccinated or not. If you are vaccinated, you don’t need a test to enter France.