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Enjoying Parisian Cuisine with IBS

I have certain dietary restrictions due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). I have to watch gluten, garlic, fried foods, dairy, and some others. Dairy and gluten are especially upsetting to my stomach. I am wondering how accommodating Parisian restaurants are to dietary restrictions. I will be staying in the Latin Quarter not too far from the Sorbonne. Can you get pretty basic meals like grilled chicken, poached fish, steamed vegetables as a routine selection on most restaurant menus or do I need to spend some time researching menus of neighborhood restaurants? I have received some advice regarding several vegan restaurants in the area, which is fine, but I would like the option of just eating out with others in my travel group. Thank you for any insight you can provide.

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377 posts

I have limitations due to IBS. It’s easy enough to say no dairy and no gluten, and not selecting a fried food. No garlic will be a challenge. I found it easier to get foods that were compatible in the South of France, but there was garlic.

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1222 posts

I have found roast chicken in almost every regular bistro or cafe or restaurant. And a salad is available everywhere. Non-sauced veggies are pretty common as well. There are so many places to eat in Paris that you will find something on the menu of almost all of them that are in your possibilities. Fortunately, menus are posted outside the restaurants so you can check out your options easily. The only thing that seems to always have garlic is vinaigrette (at least in my experience. You can probably ask for cruets of oil and vinegar on the side. And as for other meats, many are simply roasted or grilled, or if you eat beef, a steak is usually prepared simply. Poached fish is abundant. It is too bad about the gluten. No baguettes? Quelle tristesse!
Paris will give you enough options within your parameters for you to have a varied menu, based on what you have mentioned above. And French people have IBS also, so I wouldn't be surprised to find gluten-free or dairy-free options on menus today.
Best of luck!

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161 posts

I share most of your dietary restrictions, but also am vegan (except I do eat eggs when necessary). It's challenging even in the US, sometimes when eating out!
I was just in Lyon and several smaller towns in France. With a legendary culinary backdrop in Paris it will likely be easier for you for than my experience. (It truly is difficult to see entire boulangeries and patisseries where there is not.a.(gorgeous)thing that's an option!)
I found a few cafes willing to cook an egg in oil for breakfast, the most challenging meal, always. An Indian restaurant in Chamonix and a Lebanese restaurant in Lyon (along with an awesome vegetarian restaurant I stumbled on) had several viable options on the menu and both are likely popular with others in your traveling group?
Warning: I did note, when I asked for the more detailed ingredients list than what was shown on the menu on the window or easel outdoors, several times I was assured it was "lactose free". I'm fairly fluent in French but do make sure there's not dairy or cheese! I mention this since it happened several times so might be a misconception.
I never once found gf bread, but hopefully in Paris!
Safe and healthy travels!

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27812 posts

I think some creperies may have gf crepes as an option (probably with a surcharge). Perhaps some of the fillings would be OK.

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18 posts

Chef Emily Gaudichon of the blog The Real Emily in Paris at has a Gluten Free Guide to Paris for 25 euros. It’s available as a pdf download.

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4765 posts

Steak Frites and poulet roti are easily found, dairy can be an issue

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27 posts

Galettes are the gluten-free type of crepe widely available in Brittany. They are made with buckwheat flour, not wheat. Delicious with savory fillings. Macarons are also a viable option as they are gluten-free, made with almond flour.

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1222 posts

Breton galettes are delicious. There are a few Breizh Cafes in Paris and that is their specialty. There is one in the St. Germain area. Prices are reasonable and the variety is large. I hope you enjoy your meals in Paris!