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Elder Traveler to Omaha Beach

Hello experts, I am honing my plans for 2020 to Normandy. The plan today is to take Bus 70 from Bayeux for a 1/2 day (12:45 to 5:00+-) I have a 73 mother-in-law, good health, The questions are

  1. I assume the walk from the Bus stop in St. Laurent to Omaha Beach is to far to walk for her?

  2. Also we will want to visit the cemetery also, How Taxi?

  3. estimated cost of a taxi for the above

In order to save a few dollars is to rent a car for 1 day to travel to Mont-Saint Michel the other destiny of this trip. or would it be economical to train from Bayeux to Mont-Saint Michel and taxi?

Posted by
4183 posts

If I were you, I'd consider one of the many tours from Bayeux to cover the same ground more easily and provide more information.

This link takes you to one company that does this.

These Overlord tours are very popular.

Take some time to explore those 2 links and you'll even find options to Mont-Saint-Michel.

There are many others that you can find by Googling something like omaha beach tours from Bayeux.

Posted by
3088 posts

There are times when comfort and convenience are more important than the cost involved - especially if the overall cost saved by doing something the hard way is minimal. Sounds like this may be one of those times for you. I agree with the others - just book a tour and keep it simple.
If you absolutely want to try this on your own then there are several rental car places near the train station in Bayeux.

Posted by
28802 posts

Unless you are an expert on the Normandy invasion, there is just no comparison between the experience you will have on a tour (take a full-day tour; there's a lot of driving time between Bayeux and the invasion sites) and what you will glean from the do-it-yourself approach. DIY is fine for museums with walls full of explanatory material; it's not so effective when you're looking at sand and chunks of concrete. In my view, you can get by without a car while visiting the D-Day sites if you take a tour. (There's an excellent museum in Bayeux if you want to learn more either before or after the tour.)

A car is a good way to get from Bayeux to Mont-St-Michel. I think the Churchill Hotel bus is a popular option, but it puts you in MSM during the middle of the day, peak day-tripping hours. By all accounts the MSM experience is much, much nicer if you can spend one night in the area and see MSM either late in the day or early in the morning.

I believe cars can be rented in Bayeux. There are no doubt more options in Caen, which is a short train ride from Bayeux.

Posted by
8153 posts

You did not give the month of your 2020 trip. Aside from being busy all summer, there is also the anniversary month, when things are especially tight. Just summer crowds meant that some of our parking spaces (rental car) required 1/4 mile walk to the actual site. There are also many sights (like fields with gun emplacements rusting away) that require a lot of level walking. I personally didn't care for the skilled specialist guide tours I heard around me at the beaches - too passionate and authoritative, but they do have reams of laminated enrichment material to illustrate their tours. I don't doubt that you feel like you got your money's worth, however.

My 93-year old mother is a poor comparison, but you need to consider whether your mother-in-law might not have a sore knee or a twisted ankle 18 months from now. You have to make commitments far in advance, and Travel Insurance gets expensive after 62 or so. I'm not a car lover, but I was happy to have a car in Bayeux - we chose to stay outside town because we had the car.

Mont St. Michel, despite its towering position in tourism, is not served by a dedicated rail station across the street. It's a multi-seat ride by public transportation. For a 73-year old, I would want a private car so I could drop her at the shuttle bus stop, which takes her to the electric shuttle, which takes her to the fortress. (That's not as bad as it sounds. But when you add age and heat, it's not as trivial as the actual 1/2 mile (??) journey from the farthest parking lot.)

I'm not trying to talk you out of this. I think a 73-year old can do this itinerary. It's the reliance on public transportation that is too optimistic.

Posted by
2347 posts

Well, I'm a 74-year-old female and often get in 10,000 steps a day (approx. 5 miles). Last summer I had a 21,000-step day. This depends completely on what kind of physical condition your mother-in-law is in, not her age. Of course she could have a problem 18 months from now. So could a 30-year-old.

Posted by
8153 posts

Janet, I'm 67. I don't need to be brought up short on ageism. Travel insurance costs more for older people. Does that mean that the probability of a 30-year old being unable to travel in 18 months is higher, or lower, than the probability of a 73-year old being unable to travel?

There is big difference between "good health" and good fitness. And the term good is subjective. And the OP was not very specific. Many posters here say things like "we walk 2-4 miles a day at home." THAT'S something we can use when advising about a site we have visited and the poster has not.