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Eiffel Tower Tour question

How crazy am i to think we can land at Charles deGaulle at 1055am & get to our accommodations in Paris (not positive where that will be yet, but it will be in the city) then make it to a 430 tour of the Eiffel tower? We are looking at the behind the scenes tour & the ONLY one available while we are in Paris is at 430 on our day of arrival.

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11294 posts

In terms of timing, you are not crazy at all. You'll be at your hotel by 1 PM (maybe later if you get stuck in traffic from the airport), which allows you time to shower (assuming the room is ready - drop your bags if it's not), grab some food and get to the Eiffel Tower for your tour.

However, if you suffer a lot with jet lag, you may regret it. On another thread, some felt that jet was overemphasized on this Forum; personally, I think the emphasis is appropriate.

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16 posts

Thanks...not really sure how jet lag will effect us (first time overseas & through time zones) However, our flight is an hoping we are so tired when we hit the plane we can actually sleep....more concerned with jet lag coming home! LOL

Going to wait just a little bit more to order those tickets, as I'd like to know where I am staying in the city (as check-ins to the apartments I'm looking at vary...ALOT) . Praying they stay available for just another day or two :)

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703 posts

We did the Eiffel Tower last year on our first day in Paris. Jet lag was no problem for me even though I didn't really sleep on the plane (maybe 20 minutes total). We arrived about the same time, went to our hotel first then went on a Seine river cruise & finally the Eiffel Tower. I was going purely on adrenalin and was fine. I think your timing should work too. Oh and jet lag on the way home wasn't an issue either, at least not the day we got hit me for the next 3 or 4 days pretty hard though. But it was totally worth it! Have a great time!

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515 posts

Not crazy at all. I assume flying from NY to Paris is roughly 7-8 to Paris. Rick Steves always recommends that you hit the ground running right after flying across seas. Jetlag hates: fresh air, bright light and any form of exercise. In 2012 I flew from Seattle to Reykjavik which was about 10 hours then flew from there to Brussels with only a 40 minute layover and that was another 4 hours. So all together I flew 14 hours almost non-stop and I did fine till night time. Depending on traffic it might take you an 1 1/2 to get to your hotel. Enough time to freshen up and drop off the bags and you will make it in plenty of time. Have fun!

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2153 posts

Hi, not crazy at all. I love the ET and for me it's a "must do". If that's the only time available, grab it. Hope you have a great time in Paris!