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Eiffel tower 11pm tickets

I managed to get 11pm tix for July 4th to 2nd floor via lift. What is the schedule usually like? Will I be inside the tower at 11pm? Will I be able to see the twinkling at 11pm while inside the tower? And how long should I estimate us on being there? It's me and my 14 yr old daughter so trying to plan the way back to our hotel in 7th arroindsement. Will Uber be our safe option?


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759 posts

I am a huge fan of the G7 taxi app for the official Paris taxi. The app is similar to the uber app. But official, professional, clean taxis.

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10035 posts

Some 7th arrondissement hotels are within walking distance of the Tower (well, all of them are, but some might be a little further than you prefer to walk). You might take a look on Google maps and "walk" the distance from the Tower to your hotel to see what it estimates as the time to walk between the two.

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18 posts

It's a good 30 mins walk to Vaneau :( just not sure how safe it would be around 1230ish...

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8447 posts

I would arrive about 40 minutes before your ticket time -- you do periphery security which is pretty quick bag check then get in line with those with your time slot -- and with luck you actually get on the elevator, through security etc a few minutes before 11 so you are on the tower. FWIW. the sparkle is not very interesting ON the tower as it is from a bit of a distance. Perhaps see the 10 PM sparkle (if any) and then walk from Trocadero to the tower for your late time slot.

I would not hesitate to take the metro back to Vaneau after your visit. We go from one side of Paris to the other late at night all the time. e.g. this spring we went from the Philharmonie in Villette to the 13th late at night. The metro is fully of other travelers till it closes; it is just not dangerous or scary. Paris is not a town where violent street crime is common. You can get a cab if you like, but we would just take the train ourselves. I would also not hesitate to walk if you wanted to do that.