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Easter Weekend Hotels

Have tickets on hold that puts us arriving in Paris Easter weekend. Didn't stop to think a lot of places would be sold out those nights, including our favorite place in Paris, and let's not get into the crazy high rates. So, with that said, we are thinking about just leaving Paris as soon as we get in and going elsewhere, and spending the last 4-5 days of our vacay in Paris the following weekend. We have been to Paris many many many times. What we haven't done is areas around Paris. Suggestions that would make an awesome night or two stay? We arrive in Paris around 8:30 AM. After that e plan to head South to possibly Nice or Provence for a few days before returning to Paris. Or maybe, we should just change our dates to earlier in the month.

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10189 posts

Easter is spring break time when families and school groups start visiting Paris. Can you come the beginning of April?

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1161 posts

Bets, took your advice and changed flights to after Easter. Thanks for your help!