Bonjour everyone, hope your year is off to a marvelous start!
My girlfriend and I will be traveling to France for a wedding at a chateau in Marthon in April. We will be leaving that chateaux on the 19th - the Saturday of Easter weekend. Not sure why they planned for that busy weekend but here we are. :-) We will have a week afterwards to explore without a car - so catching the train from Angouleme. The one place we are looking forward to is Carcassonne so we are planning to head further south at some point. Neither of us drink wine so are thinking of skipping Bordeaux.
With so many places likely closed for the Easter weekend we're not sure where the best place might be to spend those 2-3 nights. Bordeaux? Toulouse? Head straight to Carcassonne? Back to Paris and forget the SW? haha