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E-Gates at CDG 2E (??!!)

I swear this is a new development and I have never seen this before - the last time I arrived back in Paris from the States on Delta was New Year’s Day, for context — although I am sure someone will tell me it’s been in place for a while.

[EDIT TO ADD: the new (?) development in question is the installation of e-gates for incoming passport control at CDG Terminal 2E for Canadian, American, Singaporean, and possibly other passport holders.]

I just arrived this morning at CDG from Atlanta (on Delta into Terminal 2E, the normal gates that are right there, not the K or M gates) and things seemed a bit chaotic / confused as we exited the plane :

First there were some (pseudo-automatic) doors — four abreast that everyone coming from the plane needed to exit — these kept shutting arbitrarily and affixing a big red ❌ above the door and emitting an alarm, which meant that in practice, about one person would get through one of the four doors every few seconds. No one was there from the airport or security contractors to see what was going on.

Then as we got to immigration, there was definite confusion as to which lines Europeans vs Canadians/Americans went into to be directed to the correct immigration officer cabins. In fact, while the contractors at the entry to the line were sending people to certain lines, by the time we got up to the head of the lines (where it started zig-zagging through the rope and stanchions), almost everybody was in the wrong line and got instructed by the annoyed contractor on duty there to switch lines. (Purely by chance, I ended up in the correct Canadian / US line, although I am not really sure how, lucky me !).

Then the contractor at the very head of the line directed us to E-gates, where each entrant placed our passport on a scanner reader, and the gate opened automatically upon reading to let us into a little lock space - the subsequent door then opened after doing a facial recognition scan (you couldn’t start your process through your e-gate until the person preceding you was all the way out).

Then you went up to the immigration officer, where they had photocopied signs plastered everywhere saying (in English) “OPEN YOUR PASSPORT TO AN EMPTY PAGE FOR STAMPING.”

And sure enough, the police officer did NOT look at the passport — he didn’t

Posted by
2764 posts

They are probably using facial recognition scanners, which are so accurate that your passport is a secondary means of identification. Some US airports use these as well, and the process happens so fast that it can be confusing. If I remember correctly, they are in use at DFW and/or IAD. In the last couple of years I have also arrived internationally at EWR and ORD. The facial recognition scanners are at one or more of those airports.

Posted by
10466 posts

Oops and I realize I got distracted and didn't finish my post. The RER was arriving into Châtelet and I needed to get my stuff and change.

Anyway - just to say that the immigration officer didn't even look at my residency card .

And I was just surprised by all of this because I hadn't heard any talk of it - not in the French press, not in any international press, not here. The only reason I even thought of the term e-gates is because Frank and others have often mentioned their existence in London and how they are available for American (and Canadian) travelers.

Posted by
7349 posts

It's been a while, but i remember using "PARAFE" e-gates a few times at CDG before COVID. They were only available for citizens of France and a few other European countries (not all of the EU), and they were not always open.

Posted by
10805 posts

Great. Normally they are faster and work well.
We've used those with EU passports for several years, though they were closed for quite a while due to COVID. EU citizens don't have to stop for a passport stamp.

Posted by
10466 posts

Normally they are faster and work well.

Yes, hopefully they will soon get the human error of it (poor directing of arriving passengers into the correct lines) and it will be smoother.

They are probably using facial recognition scanners...

Yes, that was the second "booth" of the e-gate (the first part being the digital scan of the passport info page).

Interesting to know they have been in place already for Euro passports. The actual passports that could go in this line were Canada, U.S., and Singapore (and maybe a couple of others, but to be honest I wasn't paying attention after I heard "American" -- although I specifically remember noticing hearing Singapore).

Anyway, something new for international arrivals at CDG!

Posted by
15104 posts

When I arrived in April I was directed to the e-gates by the person at the head of the line. I watched as the 5 people ahead of me had their passport rejected and then I too, had my passport rejected and the person had to walk me over to the line for the booth and a real person. No one seemed to be getting thru that morning!

I did not see any of the photocopied signs you mention but maybe I didn't get far enough to see them, lol!

Glad you are home!

Posted by
10466 posts

Good to know they have been there a few weeks at least!

I am sure the photocopied signs are a recent measure implemented by annoyed immigration police !

Yeah I think the learning curve on these -- for those staffing the lines as well as those of us going through them -- is going to take a while to get through (mixed metaphor there).

Posted by
812 posts

Our first time at CDG was a month ago, so we didn't realize these gates were a new addition. At first, I didn't walk far enough into the locked space, and my suitcase was in the way of the back door closing. I didn't see the photocopied signs when we were there, but my passport was brand new, so he would have only had to turn the page once.

Thanks for posting this, Kim. Even though it's after the fact for me, it will be helpful for future travelers.

Posted by
167 posts

We used the new e-gates on June 3 also, but for an outgoing flight. We had an early departure so we’re at CDG around 6:30. There were very few people but lots of airport employees. For us, everything was a breeze and my easiest experience at CDG ever.

Posted by
4949 posts

Flying on Delta a few months ago some of the gates didn't bother with boarding passes just used the facial recognition. Kinda creepy, it's not like I sent Delta a recent vacation snapshot for their files.