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Driving & Cycling France

I am planning a roughly 3 week tour in france next September. I am an avid cyclist, my wife not at all. We both enjoy hiking. I'm thinking that I could plan a trip using a car (or mass transit) and in a few select places stay over a night longer and do a day cycling (rent a road bike) while my wife sightsees in town. Does anyone have suggestions about the best way to do this? Suggested layover towns?

I've also hear there are some river cruises that allow optional cycling between towns. I would appreciate any suggestions about that as well.


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10516 posts

The area around Mont Ventoux is avid cycling and hiking territory. I counted at least four bike shops in Malaucène, one of the three bases from which cyclists go up Ventoux. (We were just there for two weeks in September.) Often spouses who don't ride follow along in the car, waiting at different stops with water. There are bike lanes on the ascent. You'll meet up with cyclists from around the world going up and again at night in the town's restaurants. Send me a private message if you want more info.

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4132 posts

This seems feasible, though you would miss out on the sightseeing.

Can't suggest layover towns without knowing where your wife would like you to leave her for the day. I mean, there is great cycling out of Beaune, but would she like it there?

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2544 posts

Wife could stay in Tours, Amboise, or Blois. Great cycling in the Loire.

Wife could stay in Strasbourg or Colmar and you could cycle Alsace