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Driving CDG to Izegem Belgium

DH and I are going to a wedding in Izegem Belgium mid July. We would like to join The Best of Paris tour the day after the wedding. We will be 62 and 63 by then. Tentatively looking to fly to Paris, rent a car and drive to Belgium for the Saturday wedding. Sunday we will head back to Paris. After dropping off the car we will take a cab (or whatever) to the first Best of Paris tour hotel. We have never driven in Europe. What are the requirements and what issues can we expect if we rent a car vs public transportation?

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815 posts

I would definitely do it by train, especially if you can convince someone in Izegem to meet you at the station in Lille. It will save you stress, a load of time, and possibly some money as well.

Posted by
7268 posts

There are indeed many trains from CDG to Lille and the 50-minute trip easily beats the jet-lagged 2-hour drive on the boring, truck-heavy A1.
If you absolutely need a car for the wedding, you could rent one in Lille, it's just a 45 minute drive. Or if you don't, you could take another train to Courtrai/Kortrijk and then to Izegem, it takes about 1 hour.

Posted by
3256 posts

Round trip for 2 by train might be more expensive than renting a car and driving. If you don’t mind city driving, you might pick up the car at CDG and return it in the city of Paris. A smartphone can guide you from place to place using Google Maps or Waze. You can also print out directions from Google Maps or as a backup. Roadways in France and Belgium are first class and signage is good. Familiarize yourself with European traffic signs. Remember that streets in urban areas are fairly narrow and often have traffic restrictions. Parking in cities can be expensive.
If you are a confident and aware driver, you should not have problems.

Posted by
6856 posts

I agree that the train sounds like a better option. And if you really need a car when you get there, take the train to e.g. Lille and rent the car there, and return it there later. It will also save you a lot of travel time, driving to Paris from Lille takes over 3 hours, compared to 1 hour by train.

And if you've never driven in Europe before, returning a car in central Paris is a terrible idea.

Posted by
2065 posts

I agree with Simon taking the train and meeting in Lille. Think that someone in Izegem certainly will help you with this and will contact you in the meanwhile and maybe still too early.

Btw, using the train will not only save the costs of fuel and car rental but also toll of around €36 in total.

Posted by
7765 posts

edgefield, you are getting the right advice. Even with the train ride, you are going to have a problem with sleepiness in the car. Lille is a large city with all the services you need. Can you drive a standard shift if they fail to come up with your reserved car? Ask the agent what safety equipment is in the car, and check for it so you don't get a bill for losing it. Bring your 2 best credit cards and a chipped bank debit card as a last resort, for unattended gas station POS terminals. Get an IDP at AAA before you go.

You can expect heavy traffic in Belgium. Driving and parking in Bruges will be no minor time-filler, it will take hours. But necessary train changes prevent me from suggesting that you train all the way to Kortrijk. I have changed trains at the Mouscron station, but have never trained to Izegem.