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Drive from Moustiers Sainte Marie to St Remy

We plan to stay in Moustiers for a couple of nights then drive to St Remy where we will stay 4 nights. I would love suggestions on the route to take and what stops to make along the way. Which towns should we visit from Moustiers during our stay there (if any-or just explore Moustiers?), which towns should we stop at on our way to St. Remy, and which towns make more sense to visit from St. Remy?
After St. Remy, we take the train to Carcassonne. Thank you!

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7020 posts

I would suggest stopping in Lourmarin on the way from Moustiers to St Rémy. It is a cute Luberon village and it is right on the way! Nearby Ansouis is also worthwhile (logical order would be to stop in Ansouis first).

From Moustiers, depending on the length of your stay, if you have had enough of the Verdon gorge, you could go visit Tourtour, and perhaps Aups for market day.
While you are visiting the gorge, Rougon is worth a detour up the mountain above Point Sublime. There is a charming creperie and some good views over the mountains.

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9432 posts

A bit off topic, but ASELYA FONTIN does an amazing YouTube video of Moustiers-Sainte-Marie that i highly recommend and is fun to watch.

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14199 posts

@ Susan!!!! Thank you for posting her name! You'd sent me a link a few months ago and I loved that youtube video but could not remember where it was. I was thinking about it in relation to the thread on "What factors determine where you'll go next".

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763 posts

Lucky you to have two nights in Moustiers Sainte Marie. We only had one night, after 6 nights in St-Remy, so we did the trip in the opposite order. We stopped in Lourmarin. I thought that there was enough to see in the Gorge itself if you do both sides (we only had time to do one). And there are pedal boats and beaches on the lake if you will be thee in warm weather--but we didn't have time to linger. The small town we visited near the gorge was Trigance, suggested by our hotel.

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29 posts

Thank you-such a great forum! Susan-Thank you-I have watched this video (and found several others) that are wonderful! Barbara-I hope the weather is nice for will be early Nov. Regardless, we will enjoy these lovely towns!

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9432 posts

So glad it helped Pam!

And glad you watched and enjoyed it losrichins. Beautiful village!