We are planning to spend some time in Paris with our dog (labrador) who needs to get some exercise. I have seen on the internet that there are supposed to be 2 areas in Bois de Boulogne that allow dogs to run free. However I have not been able to pinpoint exactly where in the Bois these dog run areas are (the Bois is very large, and I want to know more precisely where they are beyond "in the northern section of the Bois).
Does anyone have a resource that will allow me to pinpoint the exact areas of the dog runs? Also, do you have any other suggestions for where in Paris to take a large dog for exercise off leash? We are aware of restrictions for taking dogs on the metro and bus, so do not concentrate on that. Thanks. Peter
I can think of dog parks in Paris but nowhere, to my knowledge, allows dogs unleashed. The Jardin du Luxembourg has a specific dog park but dogs are generally banned from parks.
We were in Montmarte and walking around the area near Sacre Couer this past April. I walked down the street a bit to take in the obstructed view of the city and Eiffel Tower and down below us was a dog park. I just looked at my photos and sure enough, as I recalled, they were all off leash and the dogs in my photo are all varieties and medium to large size dogs. It's Square Nadar on google maps; and indicates that it is a dog park. It's on Rue Saint-Eleuthere. I took the photos because my sister had just recently gotten a dog; and I sent her the photo and said "this is a dog's life in Paris!"
You can Google search in French (Parc à Chien) or “CaniParc” and get results like this:
These are off-leash areas and the photos confirm that. And there is a link to a page with a map and rules for the Bois de Boulogne off-leash areas.
Lola: t hanks for the reference to the specific areas for dog parks in the Bois de Boulogne. That was very helpful. we hope to rent an apartment within walking distance to one of these "run free" dog parks. Perhaps in Boulogne-Billancourt, or the very western edge of the 16th Arr. Peter