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distance from Bayeux train station to Logis les Remparts B and B

Is it walkable from the Bayeux train station to the Logis les Remparts B and B? If so, how many minutes and are there any hills involved?



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27630 posts

I remember Bayeux as being basically flat, and I moved around the town solely on foot.

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113 posts

Why yes, yes it is! We just did that last August :) It's about 1km (.6 miles) & walk time is maybe about 15 minutes or so. Follow the main road to the roundabout with the topiary horses & knights, then uphill (not steep) about 5 more minutes. Streets after the roundabout are mostly cobblestone and sidewalks can be very narrow...we did a lot of walking single-file or in the street.,+Place+de+la+Gare,+14400+Bayeux,+France/Logis+Les+Remparts,+4+Rue+Bourbesneur,+14400+Bayeux,+France/@49.2726884,-0.7063579,16z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x480a534d251574c5:0xd179fd0076b84872!2m2!1d-0.6981419!2d49.2697097!1m5!1m1!1s0x480bacaee65c32d5:0x761136d36e8f9b06!2m2!1d-0.7067074!2d49.2754123!3e2

Logis les Remparts is right across the street from the park Place Charles de Gaulle so if you have the dormer room, you have views of the park and the cathedral! The door to the B&B is the white one to the left of the cidery shop door (also owned by the Lecornus). House is 16th century (!) and the back terrace is on the actual ramparts of the old city (hence the name).

Enjoy your trip!

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2841 posts

Absolutely. My wife and I did it with our 8kg of carry-on on our backs a couple years ago, both ways. We are in our 60s, and were staying at Les Petit Matin on the far side of Place Charles de Gaulle. And you needn't take the main road, either. Bayeux is a wonderful town to walk in.