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Disneyland Paris

We are visiting Paris Disneyland from Australia with our 4 kids aged 13, 12, 9 & 6. How many days do you think we need to see Disneyland Paris & Walt Disney StudiosDisney Studios? Also, is it advisable to stay near Disneyland or travel back & forth each day from Paris city?

Posted by
5480 posts

I don't think much of DLP. We've been twice and I've found it to be tired, dirty, expensive and in the wrong location (it would have suited the Spanish climate much better). It's not a patch on the American Disney parks so if you've been to those and are expecting similar then you'll likely be disappointed.

When are you going? The weather in the Ile-de-France area can be quite wet, even in August and nothing is worse for kids than rain at a theme park.

I would give it two days personally but everyone is different, I've known people to spend a whole week there. It isn't very large and the studios side of the park is relatively small. I wouldn't travel in from Paris and back every day, I would stay nearer the park or at one of the affiliated hotels. We've stayed at the Marriott resort nearby, they provide a shuttle to the park or there's a regular bus that runs right outside the resort gates or it's a few minutes drive if you have a car. It's not particularly cheap but the accommodation is much more suitable for families, they consist of two and three bedroomed townhouses complete with full kitchen, lounge/diner, en suite bedrooms, outside seating and patio, indoor and outdoor pools, kids club, gym etc. You can reach Paris quite easily by train and if you have a car you can explore the wider area such as Provins, Versailles, Fontainebleau etc.

We also found that we preferred Parc Asterix to Disneyland It's cheaper, far less crowded, similar rides but without the Disneyfication and more fun because you're spending less time queuing and more time on the rides. A word of advice, take a packed lunch as the food there is awful (as it is at DLP as well).

Posted by
8293 posts

The OP is travelling all the way from Australia with four kids who are probably mad keen to see Disneyland. The fact that the US version is better is of no consequence ...... they will enjoy just being at Disneyland and then telling their friends back in Australia all about it.

Posted by
118 posts

If I had a dollar for every time I saw someone bashing DLP on this forum it could pay for my park ticket.

OP, can I ask are you coming to vacation primarily for DLP and the Studios? Or are you coming for Paris and also want to do Disney?

I would recommend joining the facebook groups for advice, since most of the DLP fans are there. They are full of really nice British annual passholders who won’t judge your plans but will help you figure out the best route. I’m only going for one day (all I could convince my hubs to do) so I haven’t done much research into the packages they offer, but there are hotel and meal plan options you may want to consider. DLP always comes out with different promos too.

Have a magical trip :)

Posted by
5328 posts

I'll add one more website to the list:

Given the distance you're travelling, I'm guessing you likely won't be back again soon, so I'd recommend planning 2 days so you have a chance to see everything at least once. Ideally, stay at or close to DLP for those 2 days, either before or after you've had your stay in Paris. Otherwise it would mean an hour(+) long train (RER) ride each way to get between central Paris and the parks. We've done it both ways on different visits, but we didn't have children to deal with, so the commute didn't bother us.

And it's far from run down and dirty. Last year was a big anniversary for the parks, and they really spiffed things up. We were there in October, and it looked great. DLP isn't as big as WDW, or as jaw droppingly awesome as TDL/TDS, but it's still a great place for a visit.

Posted by
7011 posts

We spent 1 day there in 2008. We've been to both WDW and DLR many many times and I remarked then that DLP was the prettiest of all the parks. We didn't find it dirty or any more expensive than the US parks. The castle & moat is unique there that you can walk thru.
Anyway- I'd say 2 days is probably long enough but 3 would be nice as well. Stay onsite or nearby.

The DIS boards DLP forum is extremely friendly and helpful

Have fun!

Posted by
249 posts

I (Donna) am a Disney fan. We have snowbird passes for WDW in Florida. We have been to Disneyland in California several times. Last May when in Paris we went to Disneyland Paris, because I just had to see it. It's really pretty, it kind of makes the other two parks look tired, but then they're both significantly older. It was indeed all decked out for it's 25th anniversary. You didn't say when you were going. The pricing in the US parks is always the same, except in February when the annual price increases are implemented. In France the price structure seems to vary, offering much lower prices at what must be slower times. It saved us a great deal of money on admission, in fact, I think the one day both parks admission for the two of us was less than a single day here in Florida. It would appear that this system is still in place, assuming this link translates:

I would make sure I had plenty of snacks for the children though, because all Disney properties have captive audience pricing, and it's not pretty! We just packed sandwiches, some fruits, and refillable water bottles.

Posted by
8 posts

Thank you all so much for your responses! We are heading to Europe for 6 weeks and are unlikely to get to any of the other Disneyland's so wanted to visit whilst in Paris. We will be in Paris in mid-October. 2 days looks like the go & I think if we stay nearby we can do 2 full days and stay until close. Many thanks again!

Posted by
5328 posts

Mid October should be great! Frontierland should be decorated for Halloween. Try to go on weekdays, for lower crowds.

Posted by
5480 posts

If I had a dollar for every time I saw someone bashing DLP on this forum it could pay for my park ticket.

Well what does that say about people's experience of DLP?

The OP asked for advice on how log to spend at DLP and whether it was best to travel to and from Paris every day or stay nearby. I answered both questions based on my experience and also gave my opinion on the park. I wasn't passing judgement on their plans, there is nothing in my post that suggests that, I was simply giving my opinion of what I thought of the park and offered suggestions about places to stay and an alternative park. Personally when I ask for advice and opinions on a forum for somewhere I have never been I expect and appreciate honest feedback from people with personal experience. Some people love Disney, some people don't, it's all subjective much like restaurant and hotel reviews so for every disparaging review of DLP there will be others extolling its virtues.

Posted by
118 posts

Well what does that say about people's experience of DLP?

Quite frankly, a LOT of people on this forum give opinions about DLP who have NEVER VISITED. Or visited so long ago their review/experience is no longer relevant/applicable to future visitors.

There have been a lot of recent changes and upgrades in preparation for the 25th anniversary celebration. I haven't heard a single person describe the parks as tired and dirty out of thousands of people in the groups on Facebook, and there are people who get on there just to complain... And there are a lot of things slated for future development now that the Walt Disney Company has bought out Kingdom Holding Co which used to operate the park.

I understand that Disneyland is totally a "front door" and this is a "back door" forum. That is why I suggested the OP find her tribe elsewhere for this particular question.

Posted by
1829 posts

Disney questions get polarizing answers.

If you are going on vacation to Paris, have young child / ren and want to give them a reward day with a day trip I think it is fantastic.
To me, what makes it great is it's close proximity to the city and ease of getting there.
Train is fast and comfortable.
For this reason, I would not stay there.
I did not find it dirty in the least bit, no more expensive than a comparable US park and worst case if it rains that means short lines so would not upset many kids I know.

When I visited for the sake of our young daughter only since I would never had gone there had she not be with us;
We got breakfast in Paris took an early train, stayed at Disney all day ; saw the firework / light show there which was great and then took the train back to Paris along with most of the crowd at the park.
Getting the train back was a bit of a zoo, similar to the ending of a rock concert or sporting event.
All in all a great day my daughter loved.

Had we gone for 2 days I think I would have been quite bored that second day.

Have been to the American Disney parks and while bigger, they are definitely similar.
I am no Disney expert so maybe I missed something but I preferred the way you can visit it in 1 day while staying in a cool city compared to having to give up multiple nights of your trip to stay at the resort or surroundings like one would do if going to Orlando.

Now if you are going to Paris mainly for Disney ; you are likely going to be very disappointed ; it is a good day trip not a good destination for a vacation.

Posted by
5480 posts

Quite frankly, a LOT of people on this forum give opinions about DLP who have NEVER VISITED. Or visited so long ago their review/experience is no longer relevant/applicable to future visitors.

The OP asked two questions, "How many days do you think we need to see Disneyland Paris & Walt Disney StudiosDisney Studios? Also, is it advisable to stay near Disneyland or travel back & forth each day from Paris city?", I answered them both. Of course the answers are going to be pretty much subjective but then that's what you're going to get when you post questions on an open forum. I based my answers on my experiences of the two occasions when I visited the park. I didn't think much of the place, other contributors on this forum evidently thought otherwise. They're all opinions and we're all entitled to express them even if you don't agree with the sentiments expressed by others.

Posted by
11507 posts

JC I think you are getting a wee bit of flack because your assessment of the park being dirty seems to be untrue.. And the prices are no more expensive than the other Disneylands. Have you been to any other DL?

I understand you didn't enjoy it and that is your right.. .. but wondering if you have been to the same place as we were?

Kwismantel - Two days is about right.. doing one side one day and the other on the next day. DO learn how to use Fastpasses.. they save you time.
Three days would almost be easier .. less rushing about.. but 2 will do it.

Posted by
5480 posts

JC I think you are getting a wee bit of flack because your assessment of the park being dirty seems to be untrue.. And the prices are no more expensive than the other Disneylands. Have you been to any other DL?

As I've already stated, opinions are completely subjective. Restaurant reviews are a typical example, what one may find as good food others would disagree. I personally found DLP to be tired and dirty, others have not but that is my opinion and no-one can claim that it is untrue. You can disagree but you can't claim that I'm lying.

As for considering it as expensive. That was just it, there was no comparison to any other park, it is just expensive for what it is. Food, entrance, souvenirs etc.

Posted by
5328 posts

I personally found DLP to be tired and dirty, others have not but
that is my opinion and no-one can claim that it is untrue. You can
disagree but you can't claim that I'm lying.

How long has it been since you were there, I wonder. Because I would be really surprised if you have been there in the last 2years. The park underwent extensive refurbishments in advance of the 25 the anniversary. Compared to our last visit to WDW in 2016, we found it to look very clean and fresh last fall. I'm not claiming you're lying. I would simply suggest that your opinion is based on outdated information.

As for considering it as expensive. That was just it, there was no
comparison to any other park, it is just expensive for what it is.

I suppose expensive is in the eye of the beholder. A 1 day 1 park ticket for a weekday picked at random is $57. That same ticket, at WDW, would cost $119! I would consider that an excellent value for a full, long day of immersive entertainment. I've certainly spent considerably more than that for only a couple of hours at a concert or theatre. But as you say, value is subjective.